2022年4月30日雅思笔试写作真题全解析 附高分范文






In many countries, people spend more and more time away from their families. What causes this trend? What effects do you think it has on themselves and their families?


本题是近几年多次出现的有关家庭关系的说明文。文章首先从parents and children这个角度来分析导致家人聚少离多的原因和产生的影响,然后从更发散的technologyglobalization)角度来分析促使这一现象产生的原因以及对家庭关系可能带来的影响。


There has been a growing trend in many countries where people tend to spend less time with their families. While this may be seen as a necessary sacrifice for some, there exist consequences.

One reason leading to this situation is the economic pressure. Many societies are now designed for the average family to be apart since most households require two incomes. Therefore, parents and children are separated during the day to school or day care and work. Additionally, it is easy to notice that many working parents spend the majority of their time in the office or are on constant business trips to other places, as they have to ensure an advantageous position in the face of stiff competition.

Consequently, they have very limited time to be with their children, which may easily result in an increasing sense of alienation in the family. It is reported that insufficient quality family time usually takes a heavy toll on children’s development. For instance, lack of parental attention can cause resentment among some children.

Another reason for this shift is society’s promotion of independence. Independence has become more predominant due to the fact that modern technology has increased exposure to global events. This exposure encourages people to have more life enriching experience, such as travelling, studying or working abroad, which promotes a stronger sense of independence within themselves. Therefore, people are becoming more informed and open-minded than in the past.

However, there are consequences on individuals and their families. Homesickness is often a result of being long time away from family, giving rise to depression. If people cannot adjust and adapt quickly, their study or work may be severely affected. Family bonds can be weakened by long periods of separation. For example, relationships between spouses may be strained to the point where marital problems arise.

To conclude, although the reasons for people to stay away from their families are understandable, this development does have adverse effects on maintaining family closeness.


a necessary sacrifice 必要的牺牲

one reason leading to 导致 ……的原因

economic pressure 经济压力

be on constant business trips to other places 经常去其他地方出差

to ensure an advantageous position 保住自己的优势地位

in the face of stiff competition 在激烈的竞争中

an increasing sense of alienation in the family 家庭中日益增加的疏离感

insufficient quality family time 缺少优质的家庭时间

take a heavy toll on 产生很不好的影响

shift 转变

exposure 曝光,接触

life enriching experience 丰富生活的体验

a stronger sense of independence within oneself 内心更强烈的独立感

more informed and open-minded 更见多识广,思想更开放

homesickness 乡愁

give rise to 导致

depression 抑郁

family bonds 家庭纽带,家庭关系

spouses 配偶

strain 损伤

marital problems 婚姻问题

adverse effects 不利影响

maintain family closeness 维系家庭的亲密关系





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