文科生的福利,写作竞赛的天花板级别赛事John Locke终于在昨天放题了,John Locke今年的写作题目怎么样呢?各个方向题目难度大吗?John Locke竞赛的题目在哪里查看,我们来看,新赛季,计划参加的同学,先选好方向,再选好问题,我们写作技巧也给大家分享,注意看咯!
John Locke2025题目
约翰·洛克论文竞赛(John Locke Essay Competition)由独立教育组织John Locke Institute与普林斯顿大学、牛津大学联合参办,是人文社科含金量最高的国际征文比赛之一。
图源:John Locke Essay Competition官网
John Locke的评委老师也大有来头,竞赛由Top10院校专家轮流坐镇评委,牛津大学资深教授亲自评奖。比赛共设有7个方向,分别适合不同赛道的同学,分别是哲学、政治学、经济学、历史学、心理学、神学和法学7个学科类别,每个学科设置3~4个不同问题;针对15岁及以下的学生则设有低年级组(Junior Prize),今年提供6个问题供大家选择。
Q1. Your citizenship at birth was chosen for you. Which citizenship would you have chosen?
Q2. Do you benefit more from your own freedom of speech or from other people’s?
Q3. Who is more powerful - Donald Trump or Elon Musk?
Q4. What is your fair share of what someone else has earned?
Q5. Why do you continue to use your smartphone more than is good for you?
Q6. Why do people become more boring as they grow up and grow older?
Q1. What moral obligations do we owe to living persons that we do not owe to future persons? What are the implications of your answer for policy-making?
Q2. Should we treat non-human animals well because they have rights, interests, neither, or both?
Q3. "When civilians are the main target, there's no need to consider the cause. That's terrorism; it's evil." Is this correct?
Q1. Should politicians ever be punished for lying?
Q2. David Hume celebrated the wisdom of "unlettered men". In a democracy, do the votes of the unlettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the lettered or do the votes of the lettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the unlettered?
Q3. Diversity is fashionable, but is it valuable?
Q1. What kinds of behaviour are engendered by the hope of profit? Is such behaviour better or worse, on balance, than the behaviour we should expect if all enterprises were owned by charities or governments?
Q2. What will be the effect on socio-economic mobility of the UK government's plan to impose value added tax on school fees?
Q3. Should Oxford lower its admissions standards for the sons and daughters of generous benefactors?
Q1. According to Bertrand Russell, "Hitler is an outcome of Rousseau; Roosevelt and Churchill of Locke." To what extent was he correct?
Q2. Should anyone be ashamed of their nation's history? Should anyone be proud of it?
Q3. Which figure in history did most to enlarge human freedom?
Q1. What injury should one person be permitted to inflict on another in the defence of private property?
Q2. “Use every man after his desert, and who should ’scape whipping?” Should the law treat offenders better than they deserve?
Q3. Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?
Q1. Is objectivity all in the mind?
Q2. Eleanor Roosevelt declared, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Is she right?
Q3. What is self-deceit?
Q1. Is atheism implausible?
Q2. Why would the creator of a trillion galaxies become angry if you have sex with your boyfriend or eat bacon for breakfast?
Q3. Why pray?
John Locke竞赛写作技巧
John Locke主张考察学生的批判性思维,也符合议论文的主旨,纵观往届获奖的论文,查看结构我们不难发现一篇好的议论文应该遵循这样的结构:
机构John Locke竞赛辅导
机构作为国际竞赛领域10年的教育品牌,我们致力于国际竞赛的培训,John Locke写作辅导我们设有【一对一】和【小班+一对一】两种模式,帮助大家冲刺!2024年在John Locke这项比赛中,机构学员也取得了非常不错的成绩:
• 入门阶段:透彻分析英文文章结构,帮助学生快速了解英文学术写作思路
• 进阶阶段:从入围标准、题目、范文等多个角度深入解析john locke,帮助学生快速掌握赛事技巧
• 精讲阶段:帮助学生快速了解英文学术写作思路。在批判性思维的分析中,逐步建立自己的观点。
阶段1 :写作入门-10课时直播课
阶段2 :技巧进阶-18课时直播课
阶段3 :写作精讲-12课时1V1定制课
JL的参赛人数逐年递增,24年高达3万余人,官方入围率同比降低了4%,只有16.9%,而我们去年辅导的孩子John Locke整体入围率是在68%。为了确保学生能够保持强有竞争力,辅导过程中,我们会匹配附加值的服务:
1. 学习管理师1v1全天候监督学习+老师批改作业:我们会有匹配一个学习管理师全程监督孩子的课程上课、做作业,每节课之后的作业也会有老师精心批改和反馈,确保孩子能够一点点学会如何完成一篇论文和参赛作品
2.三轮审稿和修改,两次查重:机构John Locke教研团队会在学生完成初稿之后,针对初稿完成三轮审核和修改,只有通过最终审核的论文才会让学生正式提交作品参赛,另外,还会额外提供论文内容查重和AI查重的服务,确保参赛论文符合参赛要求,机构JL教研团队做到负责到底,有始有终。
3. 有保障,负责任:我们John Locke的辅导作品经过多轮审核修改后,肯定是高质量文章,但是毕竟John Locke这个比赛评审多数依赖于评委的主观意愿,所以即使是经过精心准备的作品也有无法入围的可能。但是为了不浪费孩子几个月的努力,就算孩子万一没有入围,我们依赖多年的科研项目辅导经验+过万名科研博士导师,把学生的作品发表到作品相关的国际会议,并且帮孩子拿到论文录用通知,以此给同学和家长一个可以助申的结果。