参加NEC竞赛需要掌握一定的经济学基础知识,包括微观经济学、宏观经济学、国际经济学等。今天经济老师给大家讲解备考NEC必备知识点——Indifference curve无差别曲线
Indifference curve (IC) is a curve that shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction. In other words, each point on indifference curve represents a different combination of goods, but the utilities brought to people by these combinations of goods are the same.
以下面的无差别曲线为例,横纵坐标分别代表消费的两种不同的产品 香蕉和苹果。如果你既喜欢香蕉又喜欢苹果,你可能会对购买14个苹果和20个香蕉的组合,10个苹果和26个香蕉的组合,或者9个苹果和41个香蕉的组合感觉到无差异,因为这三种组合中的每一种都带给你相同的效用。
Indifference curve always slopes downwards from left to right. An IC has a negative slope, because if a consumer decides to have one more unit of a commodity (say apples), quantity of another good (say bananas) must fall so that the total satisfaction (utility) remains same.
Perfect complement完全互补品(图b).消费者始终以固定的比例一起消费的商品,这些商品是相互“补充”的。一个非常恰当的例子是右脚的鞋子和左脚的鞋子,都是左右脚一起穿的。又如眼镜片和眼镜框,一副镜框配两只镜片。与其相对应的无差异曲线是一条L型线.只有在无差异曲线的直角点上,两种互补商品才刚好按固定比例被消费。
Perfect substitutes完全替代品(图c).如果消费者愿意按固定的比率用一种商品代替另一种商品,那么这两种商品是完全替代品。例如,在消费者看来,一杯咖啡和一杯浓茶之间是无差异的,两者可以以1:1的比例相互替代。与其相对应的无差异曲线是一条直线。
中性品Neutral goods(图d).中性商品是消费者无论从哪方面说都不在乎的商品。如果一个消费者正好对X持中立态度,那消费者的无差异曲线是一条水平线.消费者只关心他能得到多少Y,而毫不关心他将得到多少X。他得到的Y越多越好,但增加一些X对他没有任何影响。
Higher indifference curve represents higher level of satisfaction. Higher indifference curve represents larger bundles of goods i.e. bundles which contain more of both or more of at least one. It is assumed that consumer’s preferences are monotonic i.e. he always prefers larger bundle as it gives him higher satisfaction.
Various indifference curves can never cross or overlap. To understand why this is the case, we can look at what would happen if they did intersect. As we know, all combinations of good A and good B that lie on the same indifference curve make the consumer equally happy. Therefore, if two indifference curves were to cross, they would both have to provide the consumer with the same level of total satisfaction, because the exact point where they intersect (i.e., point A) is on both curves. Thus, all other combinations on both curves would have to provide the same level of satisfaction as well. However, if we compare point B and point C, we can see that point C offers more of good A and good B (90 and 140) as compared to point B (80 and 130). As we already learned above, consumers always prefer larger quantities. Therefore both curves can’t provide the same level of satisfaction, which means they can never intersect.
Indifference curve is always convex to the origin. Due to the law of diminishing marginal utility a consumer is always willing to sacrifice lesser units of a commodity for every additional unit of another good. If a consumer has a lot of good B, the MRS is 3 units of good B per unit of good A. If she has more of good A, the MRS is 0.5 units of good B per unit of good A. In other words, if they have a lot of good B, they are more willing to trade some of it in to get an additional unit of good A and vice versa. Because of this relationship, the indifference curve is bowed inward (i.e., convex).
无差异曲线通常是凸向原点的,这就是说,无差异曲线的斜率的绝对值是递减的。这是由于边际替代率递减规律所决定的。我们知道,消费商品的边际效用随着其供应量的增加而降低。因此,消费者愿意放弃更多的这种商品,以获得另一种他们几乎没有的商品。让我们看看下面的图表来说明这一点。如果消费者有很多good B,MRS是1个good A换 3个good B。如果她有更多的好good A,MRS就是1个good A换0.5个good B。换句话说,如果他们有很多good B,他们更愿意用其中的一部分来换取额外的good A,反之亦然。由于这种关系,无差异曲线向内弯曲(凸起)。
这题考察产品的分类在IC图像的表示sugar 和coffee对于Rich来讲是完全互补品,所以对应的无差异曲线的形状是L型。所以答案是D。