最近,Marshall 马歇尔学会经济论文赛与 LSE 伦敦政经学院经济论文赛都公布了今年的赛事安排。
Marshall 马歇尔学会经济论文赛
今年的题目较往年有所增加,学生将从下列 7 个问题中,选择一个进行答题,不超过 1,250 字。
1. In the face of disinflation, policymakers are hesitant to reduce interest rates. Is this in line with economic theory?
2.What are the causes and consequences of low fertility rates in advancedeconomies? How can we combat them?
3.Is the attention economy necessarily harmful?
4.To whatextentis a merger between two big firms beneficial to consumers?
5.“In an efficient market, at any point in time, the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic value.” – Eugene Fama. To whatextentdoes this apply today?
"在一个有效的市场中,在任何时间点,证券的实际价格都是对其内在价值的良好估计"。- 尤金-法马(罗伯特-席勒,误)。这句话在多大程度上适用于今天?
6.Why did Britain choose to return to the $4.86 gold standard rate in 1925? Was this the right decision?
为什么英国在 1925 年选择恢复 4.86 美元的金本位汇率?这个决定正确吗?
7.Has the field of Economics become too mathematical? Is this a problem?
值得注意的是,组委会并不明令禁止参赛者使用 AI 工具,只需声明如何使用即可。
今年的截稿日期为英国时间2024 年 8 月 11 日(周日)23:59 分前,也就是咱们中国时间 2023 年 8 月 12 日 6:59 分前提交。没有晚提交选项。
介绍完 Marshall,我们来看看同样值得了解的 LSE 经济学论文赛。
选手将从下列 6 道题目中,选择 1 道进行作答,字数不超过 1,500 字。
1.The Financial sector deals with a significant moral hazard, since portfolio managers cannot be held accountable for poor investment performance.
This is often used as justification for higher pay and bonuses in the finance sector. With reference to this, what is the impact of bonus caps on thefinancial sector?
2.How does adoption of AI technology affect differences in rates ofdevelopment across nations?
采用 AI 技术如何影响各国发展速度的差异?
3.Doelection cycles affect economic policy making and financial markets?
4.What are the economic effects of gentrification on urban communities?
5.How can micro financing affect climate refugees in developing countries?
5.Should social welfare maximisation be the focus of all policy making efforts?