“ 24Fall申请已经开始好几个月啦!各大院校的申请进度都到哪一步了呢?有哪些专业已经发放offer?有哪些已经快要关闭申请了呢?赶紧查看!这两天相信很多申请者都很开心,等到了好几个月的申请终于有了结果!
◾MSc Accounting, Finance and Management
◾MSc Management
◾MSc Management (Marketing)
◾MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data)
◾MSc Management (International Human Resource Management)
◾MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
▼11月30 截止申请的专业:
◾MSc Economics Finance and Management
◾MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work
📒Alliance Manchester Business School
◾MSc Accounting*
◾MSc Accounting and Finance*
◾MSc Finance*
◾MSc Quantitative Finance
◾MSc International Business and Management*
◾MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management
◾MSc Management*
◾MSc Sustainable Business
◾MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
◾MSc Digital Marketing*
◾MSc Marketing*
◾MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management
◾MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis*
◾MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
◾MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations
◾MSc Organisational Psychology
◾MSc Business Psychology
📒School of Environment, Education and Development
◾MSc Development Economics and Policy
◾MSc Development Finance
◾MSc Global Development (Development Management)
◾MSc Global Development (Globalisation, Trade & Industry)
◾MSc Human Resource Development (International Development)
◾MSc Human Resource Management (International Development)
◾MSc International Development: Public Policy and Management
◾MSc Management and Implementation of Development Projects
◾MSc Management and Information Systems: Change and Development
◾MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education
◾MA Educational Leadership
◾MA International Education
◾MA International Education (Globalisation and International Development)
◾MA International Education (Higher Education)
◾MA International Education (TESOL)
◾MEd Psychology of Education
◾MSc Real Estate Asset Management
◾MSc Real Estate Development
◾MSc Urban Design and International Planning
📒School of Social Sciences
◾MSc Data Science (Applied Urban Analytics)
◾MSc Data Science (Business and Management)
◾MSc Data Science (Computer Science Data Informatics)
◾MSc Data Science (Environmental Analytics)
◾MSc Data Science (Mathematics)
◾MSc Data Science (Social Analytics)
◾MA Economics
◾MSc Economics
◾MSc Financial Economics
◾MA International Political Economy (Standard)
◾MA International Relations (Standard)
◾MA Political Economy (Standard Route)
◾MSc Social Research Methods and Statistics
◾LLM Corporate Governance
◾LLM Healthcare Ethics and Law
◾LLM Intellectual Property Law
◾LLM International Business and Commercial Law
◾LLM International Economic Law
◾LLM International Financial Law
◾LLM Law
◾LLM Public International Law
◾LLM Security and International Law
◾LLM Transnational Dispute Resolution
◾MA Visual Anthropology
▼南安普顿大学以下热门专业截止日期为2023年11月29日: 截止日期有可能提前/延后,会根据申请量/offe量/接受比例等因素对热门专业的截止日期进行“动态调整”, 建议有意向的同学提前规划提交申请。
📒商学院 除MBA课程以外的专业
◾Finance and Econometrics (MSc)
◾Finance and Economics (MSc)
◾Business and Heritage Management (MSc)
◾Cultural Heritage Studies (MA)
◾Cultural Heritage Studies (Heritage and Museums)(MA)
◾Cultural Heritage Studies (Heritage and Public History)(MA)
◾Cultural Heritage Studies (Heritage and the Arts) (MA)
◾English Literary Studies (MA)
◾English Literary Studies (Eighteenth Century)(MA)
◾English Literary Studies (Nineteenth Century) (MA)
◾English Literary Studies (Postcolonial and World Literatures)(MA)
◾English Literary Studies (Twentieth Century and Contemporary) (MA)
◾Global Literary Industries Management (MA)
📒Film studies学院
◾Film and Cultural Management (MA)
◾Film Studies (MA)
◾History (MA)
📒Languages, cultures and linguistics
◾ELT/TESOL Studies (MA)
◾English Language Teaching TESOL(MA)
📒Winchester School of Art
◾Arts and Cultural Leadership (MA)
◾Communication Design (MA)
◾Contemporary Curating (MA)
◾Fashion Design (MA)
◾Fashion Management (MA)
◾Fashion Marketing and Branding (MA)
◾Fine Art(MA)
◾Global Advertising and Branding (MA)
●Global Media Management (MA)
📒School of Electronics and Computer Science
◾Artificial Intelligence (MSc)
◾Computer Science (MSc)
◾Cyber Security (MSc)
◾Data Science (MSc)
◾Electrical Power Systems (MSc)
◾Electronic Engineering(MSc)
📒Mechanical engineering
◾Computational Engineering Design (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)(MSc)
◾Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)(MSc)
📒Education School学院
◾Education (MSc)
◾Education Management and Leadership (MSc)
◾Education Practice and lnnovation (MSc)
▼以下将于2023年11月30日暂时关闭国际学生申请,预计2024年2月16日至4月26日重新开放: (请注意,如果课程人数招满,窗口可能会提前关闭)
◾Accounting and Finance MSc
◾MSc Business and Management
◾MSc Marketing
◾MSc Finance and Investment
◾MSc Human Resource Management and Organisation
2023年11-12月 准备申请材料、定校定专业、准备语言成绩
2023年12-来年2月 递交申请、获得有条件录取
2024年3-4月 搭配语言课程、确定最终入读院校
2024年6-7月 准备换无条件通知书材料
2024年8月 准备签证材料获得签证
2024年9-10月 顺利入学