如何为Junior WSD比赛中的即兴辩题做准备?

明天就要迎来 秋季首场Junior WSD比赛  ,2023年秋季开始 即兴辩题正式加入循环赛阶段 让比赛在预赛阶段增添了更多挑战和未知的色彩,想想还有点小激动呢~

今天我们就继续有请资深教练Robert Raos为大家带来备赛硬干货: 如何为Junior WSD比赛中的 即兴辩题做准备

Robert Raos




Junior WSD比赛中,即兴辩题对不少选手来说是个难题。毕竟我们可以在赛前充分研究每个已备辩题,并与团队成员一起讨论。而即兴辩题要求每支队伍在20分钟内从零开始创建一个case。这是一项具有挑战性的任务,尤其是对新人辩手来说。

本文将帮助大家在即兴辩题的比赛轮次中,更好地掌握prep time。

Impromptu debates can be intimidating. After all, rounds on prepared motions allow students to spend hours researching the topic before the competition and test out arguments with team members.
On the other hand, impromptu rounds require teams to create a case from scratch in 20 minutes. This can be a challenging task, especially for new debaters.
This article will help you navigate prep time in an impromptu round.

#1 、The First Thing: Read The Motion


阅读辩题看似很容易,但也是很多老手容易忽略的重要环节:仔细阅读辩题,然后再读一遍,然后将辩题种类用笔记下来。在你开始“silent prep”前,记得保证所有队员都正确理解了辩题的意思。

The first thing you should do seems easy enough, but even some university debaters fail to do this.

Read the motion. Then read it again. Make sure you understand each word in the motion.

Take note of the motion type – whether it’s a policy, analysis, or an actor motion. Proceed to check with your teammates if all of you understand what the motion is about. When you are sure you understand the motion, take 2 or 3 minutes of “silent prep” to brainstorm ideas before you discuss them.

#2 、How To Prepare In Silent Prep

如何利用Silent Prep时间做准备

在正式和组员展开讨论之前,可以进行2-3分钟的“silent prep”。这期间不必思考太过具体的论点,而应当从impact & burdens出发,逆向思考,把握辩题的大方向。

Here are some of the things you should think about in silent prep.

To start with, you should think about potential paths to victory.

Ask yourselves: how could either proposition or opposition win this debate? At this point, you should NOT be thinking about specific arguments or mechanisms. Rather, imagine the end impact of potential cases that could, in theory, win the debate. Maybe one side can prove more happiness for people? Maybe the other side can prove more freedom? Think of the benefits that could happen if the motion was proposed or opposed. If both sides of the debate are likely going to claim the same impact, then you know teams will probably clash on this point. If only the enemy is likely to claim a particular benefit, think about how you can rebut it.

Once you figure out what the end impacts of both sides are going to be, you should start thinking about burdens. What are burdens? Burdens are the claims that need to be proven in order for you to achieve an impact. For example, if the end impact of your case is more freedom, then you have the burden to prove that proposing the motion will lead to more freedom. The reason why it is important to consider burdens in prep time is so that you know what sort of argument you need to construct to win the debate. When silent prep ends, you should take a couple of minutes to agree with your teammates about which impacts you want to run, then you should spend the rest of prep time figuring out how to meet the burdens necessary for your impacts to accrue.

#3 、How To Face An Unfamiliar Motion



A common problem debaters face when facing an unfamiliar motion is that they feel they do not know enough about the topic. This can be overcome by learning more about topic areas rather than just preparing cases for prepared rounds. Some motion types include the economy, politics, philosophy, education, and environmentalism. When you know something about these areas, it is easy to connect some of the information you know to the motion. You don’t need to have perfect, specific knowledge about the motion to know things that are useful for making arguments. Rather, focus on the things that you do know and then find a way to connect them to the motion. Be creative!

The general knowledge about a topic area is often called “stock knowledge” or “spec knowledge”. Remember, chances are the enemy team does not have complete knowledge of the impromptu motion either, so do not be afraid of embarrassing yourself by being creative with the little knowledge you do possess.

Creating arguments is just as much of an art as it is a science, and while it is important to do research prior to a competition, logic and strategy are ultimately what wins the day in Junior WSD.

研究完Coach Robert介绍的方法,选手们还需要在实战中多多演练,找到适合自己的即兴辩题备赛方法







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