



PART1:学术情况 Academics


  • 有哪些专业或院系特别受欢迎吗?

  • 班级有多大?

  • 课程是基于授课还是基于讨论?

  • 你觉得有哪些是很创新的课程有哪些是通识课程?

  • 有多少课程是由教授讲授的,又有多少是由助教讲授的?

  • 教授们在课下容易接近吗?

  • 什么样的班级有较小的小组会议?他们是什么样的人?

  • 有没有特别受欢迎的课程或教授?

  • 大一新生在选课方面有多大的自由?

  • 学生通常能上他们的第一选择课程吗?

  • Wi-Fi怎么样?

  • 新生导师是如何分配的?

  • 换专业容易吗?

  • 你会如何描述大一的经历,就建议或每个人都必须上的课程而言?

  • 教授们有办公时间吗?学生与教授在课外互动的频率如何?

  • 本科生可以和教授一起做研究吗?

  • 有荣誉课程或顶尖级课程吗?如果是的话,怎么申请?

  • 学生每周通常有多少课时?课外作业有多少?

  • 期末考试是基于考试还是基于项目/论文?

  • 校园里最好的学习地点是哪里?

  • 去图书馆的时间是几点?这些在考试周会发生变化吗?

  • 我在课堂上应该学习哪些研究方法或数据库?

  • 是否有专业要求大四学生写论文或完成大四项目?


  • Are there any majors or departments that are particularly popular?

  • How big is the class?

  • Is the course lecture-based or discussion-based?

  • Which courses do you think are very innovative and which ones are general education courses?

  • How many courses are taught by professors and how many by teaching assistants?

  • Are the professors accessible outside of class?

  • What kind of classes have smaller group meetings? What kind of people are they?

  • Are there any courses or professors that are particularly popular?

  • How much freedom do freshmen have in choosing courses?

  • Do students usually get into their first choice courses?

  • How about Wi-Fi?

  • How are freshman mentors assigned?

  • Is it easy to change majors?

  • How would you describe the freshman year experience, in terms of recommended or required courses for everyone?

  • Do professors have office hours? How often do students interact with professors outside of class?

  • Can undergraduates do research with professors?

  • Is there an honors or capstone program? If so, how do I apply?

  • How many class hours do students usually have per week? How much homework is there?

  • Is the final exam based or project/thesis based?

  • Where is the best place to study on campus?

  • What are the library hours? Do these change during exam week?

  • What research methods or databases should I study in class?

  • Are there majors that require seniors to write a thesis or complete a senior project?

PART2:学术支持和社会情感支持 Academic and Social-Emotional Support


  • 你能从课堂之外的教授那里得到帮助吗?

  • 是否有免费的学术支持或辅导?效果怎么样?

  • 国际学生支持和入学培训有哪些资源?

  • 学校提供什么样的学习资源?

  • 是否有写作中心帮助批改论文和研究论文?

  • 学术顾问是否平易近人、高效?

  • 图书管理员帮助做研究吗?

  • 学生是否组织学习小组或在线论坛学习?

  • 有计算机实验室吗?

  • 医疗服务便捷吗?

  • 学校可以让学生谈论他们对重要问题和事件的感受吗?

  • 有新生的社会适应项目吗?他们是愉快的吗?

  • 有职业咨询办公室吗?能提供有用的资讯吗?

Academic and Social-Emotional Support Academic Support and Social-Emotional Support

  • Can you get help from professors outside of the classroom?

  • Is there free academic support or tutoring? How effective is it?

  • What resources are available for international student support and orientation?

  • What kind of learning resources does the school provide?

  • Are there writing centers to help grade essays and research papers?

  • Are the academic advisors approachable and efficient?

  • Does the librarian help with research?

  • Do students organize study groups or study in online forums?

  • Is there a computer lab?

  • Is the medical service convenient and convenient?

  • Can the school allow students to talk about their feelings about important issues and events?

  • Are there social orientation programs for freshmen? Are they enjoyable?

  • Is there a career counseling office? Can it provide useful information?

PART3:研究、实习和出国留学的机会 Research, Internship, and Study Abroad Opportunities


  • 本科生有机会与教授一起从事研究或学术项目?

  • 有哪个部门因其对研究的贡献而出名?

  • 有哪些专业为学生继续攻读硕士或博士课程做了准备?

  • 出国交流交换的项目受欢迎吗?有什么特别的吗?

  • 大多数学生是通过学校的项目交流交换的吗?

  • 某些专业的学生,比如CS,是否会出国交流很困难?

  • 是否有海外实习机会?

  • 学校是否提供暑期实习或研究的机会?

Research, Internship and Study Abroad Opportunities

  • Do undergraduates have the opportunity to work on research or scholarly projects with professors?

  • What department is known for its contributions to research?

  • What specializations prepare students for continuing studies in master's or doctoral programs?

  • Is the exchange program abroad popular? Is there anything special about it?

  • Are most of the students exchanged through the school's program exchange?

  • Is it difficult for students of certain majors, such as CS, to go abroad for exchange?

  • Are there any opportunities for overseas internships?

  • Does the school offer summer internship or research opportunities?

PART4:课外活动 Extracurricular


  • 最受欢迎的课外活动是什么?为什么?

  • 有哪些社区服务社团或其他机会?

  • 运动在校园中扮演重要角色吗?运动队分为哪些组?校内或运动班呢?

  • 你能谈谈学校俱乐部吗?(例如学生报纸、学生杂志、国际关系俱乐部、艺术团体、科学俱乐部、音乐表演、戏剧、乐队、合奏团……不管你感兴趣的是什么!)

extracurricular activities

  • What is the most popular extracurricular activity and why?

  • What community service clubs or other opportunities are there?

  • Do sports play a big role on campus? What are the sports teams? Intramural or athletic classes?

  • Can you talk about school clubs?

(e.g.student newspaper,student magazine,international relations club,art group,science club,music performance,drama,band,ensemble...whatever interests you!)







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