
20230408 雅思大作文题目 Some people think hosting major international sporting events brings a lot of advantages to a country, while others believe there are more disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


下面分享的是来自于Economist(英)和 NYT(美)的相关文章‍‍‍‍‍



## 办体育赛事会带来债务和浪费

Economists have long argued that, rather than consumption, tourism and prestige, the games leave high debt, wasteful infrastructure and onerous maintenance obligations. In a 2016 paper Victor Matheson and Robert Baade, two American academics, concluded that “in most cases the Olympics are a money-losing proposition for host cities.” The games this year offer plenty more grist for the sceptics’ mill. “It would have been better not to have them,” says Suehiro Toru of Daiwa Securities, an investment bank, expressing a sentiment common in Japan among economists and non-economists alike.

## 可能的好处是兴基建和促消费

... It estimated that the games would generate ¥14trn ($127bn) of additional demand. Part of the boost comes from the construction of new infrastructure, though such projects can often crowd out investments in other, more useful areas. Another benefit usually comes from consumption around the games, on everything from tickets to food and drink.


##名声除了reputation, 也可以是prestige

## proposition 除了表示提议,也可以表示生意的意思


offer plenty more grist for the sceptics

## 多用并列结构

consumption, tourism and prestige ... (3个名词并列)

high debt, wasteful infrastructure and onerous maintenance obligations (依然是名词并列)

## from...to... 的列举

everything from tickets to food and drink




## 办大型运动会是经济发展的引擎

The idea that big sporting events are good for growth is relatively new. A 1956 article in this newspaper noted the curious hopes of Australian officials who were “somewhat optimistic” that visitors to the Melbourne Olympics might settle in the city, or perhaps do a little business there. “Ordinarily,” it said, “being host for the Olympic Games is unlikely to gain a nation much beyond prestige.” But as the cost of hosting rose inexorably, so did the supposed benefits. The Olympics and the World Cup are now routinely described as economic engines. Four American cities — Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington — recently announced that they were flirting with hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics, and in each case a justification was economic development. In Massachusetts, a state-appointed commission led by a construction executive suggested that a Boston Olympiad could “catalyze and accelerate the economic-development and infrastructure improvements necessary to ensure that Massachusetts can compete globally now and into the future.”

Such claims are based on the idea that the Games can serve as a tourist attraction, a chance to catch the eye of global business leaders and a way to rally political support for valuable infrastructure projects. The lean and profitable 1984 Los Angeles Olympics are often invoked. So are the 1992 Barcelona Games, which amplified that city’s revival.

## 建运动场地是个赔钱的买卖

But there is strikingly little evidence that such events increase tourism or draw new investment. Spending lavishly on a short-lived event is, economically speaking, a dubious long-term strategy. Stadiums, which cost a lot and produce minimal economic benefits, are a particularly lousy line of business. (This is why they are usually built by taxpayers rather than by corporations.) ......  The Los Angeles Olympics were successful, after all, because planners avoided building new stadiums. ....

## 场地往往是建在大城市寸土寸金的地段

Organizers and their supporters routinely neglect what economists call “opportunity costs” — in this case, what might have happened if a country didn’t host the Games. In some of the world’s most expensive cities, perhaps the greatest opportunity cost is the loss of scarce and valuable real estate. While many facilities remain in use after the Games or are converted for new purposes, quite a few sit virtually as empty as the original in Olympia, Greece. Tourists can ride a Segway around the Bird’s Nest in Beijing for $20.

## 举办大赛,意味着这个城市的其他的活动就要让路

Similarly, it’s misleading to calculate how much money is spent in a city during the Olympics. A fair comparison requires some estimate of how much would have been spent without them. When the Games come, after all, other kinds of tourism go. During the 2012 Games, the Adelphi Theatre in London’s West End suspended performances of “Sweeney Todd.” The British Museum received 480,000 visitors that August, down from 617,000 the previous year. ...


##inexorably 表示不可阻挡

But as the cost of hosting rose inexorably, so did the supposed benefits.

## 加速除了 accelerate, 也可以是catalyze

Olympiad could “catalyze and accelerate the economic-development ... 








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