
TOEFL 听力的对话部分会有两大类型的场景,一个是发生在学生和教授之间的,一般归类为Office Hours; 一个是发生在学生和学校工作人员之间的,官方给了个名字叫Service Encounters。

Office Hours 会发生的事情相对纯粹些,都是围绕课程、作业等内容。

Service Encounters因为涉及到学校的不同职能部门,所以话题类型相对会丰富些。

这里我们总结下在官方题里的大学生在校园里面到底会encounter 哪些事情。


# 事情【对应官方试卷】

  • a student and the faculty advisor of the campus newspaper 【15】
  • # a student and a librarian 【1】【4】【7】【9】【14】【20】【27】【34】【49】【54】【57】【40】【69】
  • # a student and an employee in the university bookstore 【10】【24】【32】
  • # a student and an employee at the campus store. 【52】
  • # a student and a university print shop employee. 【26】
  • # a student and an employee in the student activities office. 【70】【30】【51】【64】【23】【42】
  • a student and an employee in the university work study office 【58】【18】【35】【48】
  • # a student and the dean of admissions. 【59】
  • # a student and a receptionist/registrar 【3】【8】【29】
  • # a student and an employee at the financial services office. 【66】
  •  a student and his academic advisor. 【25】【55】【36】
  • # a student and his faculty adviser (about changing majors)【14】
  • # a student and an employee at the university center for off-campus study. 【31】
  • # a student and the university public relations director 【75】
  • # a student and a university employee (about scholarship)【41】
  • # a student and a university employee (about a gym pass)【11】
  • # a student and a university employee (about parking)【62】
  • # a student and a university employee (about renting trip buses)【62】
  • a student and a computer lab administrator. 【43】
  • # a student and the language lab manager 【13】
  • # a student and a campus mail center employee. 【45】
  • # a student and an administrative assistant in the history department 【68】
  • # a student and a department secretary 【12】
  • # a student and an employee in the university’s career services office 【6】【39】
  • a conversation between two students. 【2】
  • # a conversation between a student and a professor. (the student gets lost on campus) 【21】
  • # a student and the program manager of the university radio station 【36】
  • # a student and a building manager. 【60】【63】【50】
  • # a student and an employee at the university conference center. 【73】
  • # a student and an employee in the housing office 【65】【71】【33】【38】【46】【61】【72】
  • a student and a university administrator.(the dormitory fire inspections)【74】
  • # a student and a facilities manager at the university. 【16】【67】
  • # a student and a university theater manager. 【37】
  • # a student and a music director. 【47】
  • # a student and a food service manager. 【17】
  • # a student and the director of the student cafeteria. 【19】【53】
  • # a Student and a counselor at the university counseling center 【5】

目前一共官方的75套题目里面,事实上设计的校园里发生的事情,从入校的新生orientation,教务处(registrar)登记缴费, 到出校时候的就业咨询等每个时间节点基本都有涉及到。


上面的整体分类还是很细的,有些篇章其实是可以归纳到一起的,比如和food service manager 的对话和  the director of the student cafeteria 基本就是一个类型,a department secretary 和 department administrative assistant 的区别也不大。但在上面的归类里面我还是把它们都分成不同类型了。

在这样相对比较细的归类下,发生在library 的对话是最多的,达到了13篇; 住宿相关的其次,一共是7篇;学生活动相关的第三多,一共是6篇...







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