约翰·洛克论文学术活动(John Locke Essay Competition)是由位于英国牛津的独立教育组织 John Locke Institute与牛津大学、普林斯顿大学等名校教授合作组织的学术项目。
约翰·洛克学院 (John Locke Institute)鼓励年轻人培养好学生成为伟大写作家的特征: 包含独立思考、渊博学识、清晰推理、批判性分析和有说服力。约翰洛克论文学术活动鼓励学生在学校课程范围之外探索各种具 有挑战性又有趣的问题。
约翰·洛克论文学术活动(John Locke Essay Competition)的参赛者可以积累学术写作知识,提升 学术论证技巧。所有的论文奖项都是由牛津大学的资深学者评判。评委们将从哲学、经济学、历史和心理学等七个学科的论文中评选出优胜作品。
约翰洛克写作训练营旨在通过学术写作基础技能学习和1v1论文写作指导的学习模式,帮助学生提升学术写作能力,并提升学生在约翰·洛克论文学术活动(John Locke Essay Competition)中的综合竞争力。
▪ 15-18岁对文字创作有热情
▪ 希望进一步提升学术写作能力
▪ 对哲学、经济、历史和心理学等领域感兴趣
◾ 选题领域
参赛学生将从以下领域中选择一个领域中的问题进行写作研究,论文字数不超过2000字(不包含图 表、数据表、脚注、参考书目或作者声明)
◾ 参赛日程
▪ 论文提交截止日期:每年6月30日
▪ 入围候选人名单公布:每年7月14日
▪ 颁奖晚宴:每年9月
◾ 奖项设置
▪ 最佳论文奖(Prize):一等奖、二等奖、 三等奖各一名
▪ 高级嘉奖(High Commendations):若干名
▪ 完成一篇具有参赛竞争力的论文
▪ 项目参与证书
▪ 英文写作能力提升
▪ 独立思考能力、逻辑能力,辩证思维能力和研究能力等综合能力提升
▪ 留学申请文书素材
◾ 哲学 Philosophy
▪ Q1. A team of scientists wants to discover how many genders there are. How should they proceed?
▪Q2. In what sense are you the same person today that you were when you were ten?
▪ Q3. Is tax theft?
◾ 经济学 Economics
▪ Q1. A government funds its own expenditure by taxing its population. Suppose, instead, it relied solely on money newly created by the central bank? What would be the advantages and/or disadvantages?
▪ Q2. In his thought experiment, the Iowa Car Crop, David Friedman tries to show that growing wheat is, in an important sense, just another 'technology' we can use for manufacturing cars, and in some circumstances a much more effcient one. If international trade is thus a way of using less valuable inputs to produce more valuable outputs, why would governments impose trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, thereby forcing producers to be more wasteful and less effcient?
▪ Q3. What would happen if we banned billionaires?
◾ 历史 History
▪ Q1. How much richer or poorer are the British today than they would have been without the effects of British colonialism?
▪ Q2. Which has a bigger effect on history: the plans of the powerful or their mistakes?
▪ Q3. Which characteristics distinguish successful movements for social change from unsuccessful ones?
◾ 心理学 Psychology
▪ Q1. Can happiness be measured?
▪ Q2. In surveys conducted in the United States, significantly more than half the respondents reported that they believed themselves to be more attractive than the median person in their country. How might we account for this?
▪ Q3. Are beliefs voluntary?