1Described as China's answer to Instagram(状语), the app has become especially popular for sharing tips on travel, makeup and fashion(主句).
2Sensible in theory(状语), such assessments can take months to schedule and ultimately lead to subjective diagnoses(主句).形容词/v-ed/v-ing这三类结构放在主句前作状语时,一般用用逗号与主句隔开,比较容易区分。
如果形容词/v-ed/介词结构要做主语,必须在前面加上being变成动名词:Beingableto successfully predict what others will do(主语) is critical to effective leadership.如果是介词结构位于主句前,则不一定用逗号隔开,尤其是该介词状语较短的情况下。以地点/时间状语居多。那么这时候我们就要看这个介词状语到哪里结束。
1 In one Beijing district staff at public schools are required to...介词状语到district结束,后面则是主句,staff at public schools为主语。
2In the early 1990s the notion of meeting a partner online seemed crazy.如果句首的形容词结构/介词结构/v-ed结构后面紧接的是be动词或某些不及物动词(如sit/come),那么句子则是倒装语序:
1Behinddrygraphs showing steep growth rateslurkedstories of the human heart.=Stories...lurked behind...(在显示急剧增长率的枯燥无味的图表背后,隐藏着人心的故事)dry graphs showing steep growth rates是一个名词成分n;而behindgraphs showing steep growth rates(behind n)又是一个介词结构,作一个整体。
2Gonearethe days whencompanies could expect consumers to simply believe what they were told.正常语序是The days when...are gone.(...的日子一去不复返了),因为gone是v-ed形式,无法充当主语。
名词成分的构成:前置定语+中心词+后置定语。比如:dry(前置定语)+graphs(中心词)+showing steep growth rates(后置定语)后置定语的构成主要有:现在分词(v-ing)/过去分词(v-ed)/不定式/形容词结构/介词结构/定语从句。
1⃣️当主语名词后面是v-ing时,那么一定是后置定语,这个后置定语结束之后才是谓语动词。比如:[Studentsseekingto further their studies]do sonot out of pure interest, but out of necessity.(想要深造的学生这样做不是出于纯粹的兴趣,而是因为这是必要的)
2⃣️当主语名词后面是v-ed时,则需根据意思判断这个v-ed是被动还是过去时。若是v-ed by...,则一定是被动,没有by的话则用根据语义判断。如:
1[The child-rearing practicesembraced byaffluent parents in rich countries]gofar beyond...embraced by...被...采用的,修饰practices。括号[]内的成分构成一个整体,作主语,谓语是go far beyond...。下面一句话同理。
2[Coursespaid for bytaxpayers]riskbeing wasteful.熟练掌握上面的名词成分构成,对于看懂句子十分关键,比如下面这句:Bernie Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont, put a plan to make higher education at public universities free at the centre of his upstart campaign for the presidency.
这句话,put后面成分较为复杂,但运用名词成分加上一些基础的词汇用法,即可迎刃而解。higher educationatpublic universities是一个名词整体n,即中心词+介词成分。
然后再看上一层:to do sth作plan的后置定语,即a plan to...free是一个名词整体:中心词+不定式,作put的宾语N。
最后,putNat the centre of...就是常见的put sth/sb+补语结构,比如put...in danger(使...处于危险中)三、识别插入语句子中,经常会出现不同种类的插入语。
1 Kids in rural areas,if they haven’t ended their studies already, rarely make it beyond this point.(→Kids in rural areas rarely make it beyond this point.)
2 Not 24 hours later, the academy would recognise research conducted,with the help of AI models, on the structure of protein.(→research conducted on the structure of protein)上面一类插入语是状语成分。既然是状语,那么就可以调整位置到主句前或者主句后。
比如上面两句:Kids...this point if...;conducted on the structure of protein with the help of AI models。
1 He doesn't acceptthe view,common among the utopians,thatnatural endowments...简化一下就是the view that+句,一个再普通不过的同位语结构。
2 Climate-related disasters are proliferating,fromPakistan,much of which was inundated by this summer’s unusually intense monsoon,toFlorida,which in September endured its deadliest hurricane since 1935.
简化一下就是fromPakistan toFlorida,一目了然。from...to...是一个举例结构,我之前也讲过。