本周六,B1 Preliminary for Schools(即原PET青少版)考试即将举行。为了帮助大家更好地备战此次考试,老师已经整理好了相关的样题及参考答案。建议大家在考前进行练习,以便熟悉题型并提高应试能力。
PET 校园版样题 TEST 2 答案解析
1.答案 B.
这是一封邮件,邮件中 Steve 告诉 Michael他们不能在周六去体育馆买比赛的门票,票必须要提前在网上预订。
A 错误,“知道周六之前他们都不能拿到票了”说法错误。
"have to buy” 对应原文“must be bought";
B 正确,"before the match” 对应原文"in advance"
C 错误,“只能去体育馆买票”说法错误。
【词组积累】not... until 直到...才
2.答案 A.
A 正确。“get her money back”与原文“refund”对应。
B 错误。“想要修理手机”说法错误。
C错误。选项说法与原文“That's better than exchanging it for another one”不相符.
3.答案 A.
A.正确,文中提到 "instead of at the lake”与选项中" has changed the picnic place”说法相符。
B.错误,选项中“catch the bus”文中没有提到,。
4.答案 C.
这是一封邮件,lsabelle 告诉妈妈她在和朋友逛街,4 点不能到家,可以在6 点到家。
A.错误。“shopping in town at least 6p.m”说法错误,不是逛街到 6点,而是6 点到家
B.错误。文中没有提到“collect her from Lottie's home”
C.正确。lsabelle 要比她之前告诉妈妈自己回家的时间要晚一些才能到家了,说法正确,
5.答案 C.
A.错误,“leave their bags”说法错误。
6.答案 D.
1.题目中 "exciting stories set in the present and in unusual places”和 D 选项第一行" This is a modern-day adventure story that takes place in a wide range of interestinglocations” 对应;
2.题目中 "She doesn’t mind if it takes time to understand what’s happening in thestory, as long as it makes her laugh”和选项D第五行 "it’s very amusing, too! You mayneed to be patient as the story develops slowly” 对应。
7.答案 F.
1.题目中" imagined worlds which have little connection with reality”和选项F第一句"This novel is about two unusual, talented children. They enter a land of magic”对应;2.题目中 “which develops at great speed”和选项F最后一句话“The action is very fast-moving”对应;
3.题目中 “has strange creatures in it”和选项F第三行“with heroes who fight seamonsters and flying dragons” 对应。
8.答案 C.
1.题目中 "challenging to read”和选项C最后一句“The story is complicated so you"lneed to read carefully!' 对应;
2.题目中 " He enjoys books that are also movies so he can compare them”和选项C第
行“made into a successful film”对应;3.题目中 “set on other planets with lots of space travel”和选项C第三行“you canimagine being an explorer on the other side of the universe trying to get back to Earth ina damaged ship." 对应;
9.答案 H.
1.题目中 "takes place in the past”和选项H第二行“in early twentieth-century NewYork”对应:
2.题目中 “people leading difficult lives”和选项H第三行“if you were poor”对应;3.题目中 " She likes to be surprised by what she reads” 和选项H最后一句“There are alot of shocks and an unexpected ending!" 对应。
10.答案 E.
1.题目中" fast-moving book”和选项最后一句" The speed of the action in this bookis amazing!"对应;
2.题目中 " involves believable characters”和选项E第四行" The writer seems to knowhow young people think, talk and react, so the people in the book are realistic andextremely entertaining.” 对应;
3.题目中 " He plays team sports and likes reading about people with similar intereststo him.” 和选项E第一行“ the world of high school football players”对应
11.答案 C.
题干解读:当 Christine 和她的家人到达成都的时候,她....
A.错误,disappointed 说法错误;
B.错误,annoyed by the delays she experienced 文章未提到;
C.正确,选项和文章第一段最后一行“|just wanted to set out for the Panda Centrewithout wasting any time”说法相符;
D.错误,excited by the panda products everywhere 文章未提到。
12.答案 D.
题干解读:Christine 说能猫中心是...
A.错误,与文中 turned out to be nothing like an ordinary z0o 的说法不符;
B.错误,与原文中 but l didn't really notice the crowds because l was busyconcentrating on the pandas. 的说法不一致;
C.错误,与文中 which is mainly a place for scientific research 的说法不符;
D.正确,定位关键句到原文中第二段第二行 the pandas have far more freedom and ahugeamount of space.与选项意思一致;
13.答案 A.
题干解读:在 Christine 看熊猫的时候..
A.正确,定位关键句到原文中第三段最后一句话 but laccepted the fact that this was strictly
B.错误,与文中 we weren't that surprised that they didn't seem to have much energy说法不符;
C.错误,与文中 It was hard not to reach out to touch them 的说法不一致;D.错误,与文中 the long but fast-moving queue 说法不一致。
14.答案 B.
题干解读:当 Christine 要抱起熊猫之前,她....
A.错误,与原文中 we weren't bothered by the rather expensive ticket 的说法不符
B.正确,定位关键句到原文中最后一段第四行|kept thinking that he might not be willingto be held, so lsat down quite nervously,与选项意思一致;
C.错误, scared 文中没有提到;
D.错误,根据原文中|insisted that my dad took loads of pictures,选项说法错误。
15.答案 D.
题干解读:Christine 会在参观了熊猫之后给她的朋友发什么邮件呢?
A.错误,had to queue for so long 说法错误;
B.错误,looking for the very best panda souvenirs 文中没有提到:
C.错误,such a long way 说法错误;
D.正确,与本篇文章最后-句话lt was an unforgettable experience.说法一致。
上文提到 made his ears hurt, 后文又说 After that he attempted to wrap a scarf around hishead,推断中间一句是说他尝试寻找既保暖又不影响滑冰的方法。"
17.答案 B
上文提到赛程很长 some individual stages were 400 km or more in length,推断下一句是说有的参赛选手需要半夜启程来完成赛段。
上文提到 His grandmother sewed soft cloth to the inside and fur to the outside of thecircles.他的祖母给他缝了柔软的衣料还放了东区皮毛,是为了给他保暖。
19.答案 A
前一句说“这是一个特别的政府许可证,禁止任何人模仿切斯特的想法。",A选项里面的it 代指许可证,那时候他才 18岁。
20.答案 H
Reading -part5 (21-26)
21.答案 B
A. performer 表演者,演员
B.character 人物,角色
C.role 角色(通常与 of连用)
D. part 部分(通常与 of连用)此题考查词义辨析,句意:但是 Mickey Mouse 并不是迪士尼第一个成功的卡通人物形象。
22.答案 D
后面连接的介词是 on:
A. rely on 依靠,依赖
B.written 写作
C.designed 设计
D. base on 以..为基础,基于,改编自...此题考査词义辨析,句意是:他参与了一个新的系列电影,该系列电影是根据一只名叫 Oswald 的免子的冒险故事改编的。
23.答案 B
A. complaint 抱怨,诉苦
B.disappointed 失望,沮丧
C.trouble 麻烦,烦恼
D. disadvantage 缺点,不利条件此题考查词义辨析,译为:但不幸的是,第一部电影令人失望,环球影业认为它不会为公司赚到任何钱。
A. provide 提供,准备
C.approve 批准,赞成
B.let 允许,让
D.open 公开,打开
此题考查词义辨析,译为:因此,迪士尼改变了 Oswald 的形象,电影公司最终批准了它。
后面连接的词是 up:
A. get up 起床,起立,建造
B. put up 提供,建造
C.set up 创立,建立,开业
D. make up 构成,编造,化妆
26.答案 A
A.extremely 极其地
B. totally 整个地,完全地
D.completely 完全地,彻底地
C.absolutely 绝对地,完全地此题考查词义辨析,译为:他的第一个项目就是非常成功的 Mickey Mouse。
Reading -part6 (27-32)
27.答案 LIKE
like 在这里翻译成:像..-样。
For people like me who are interested in science and, in particular, space...对于像我这样对科学,尤其是对太空感兴趣的人来说..
This/ That/ lt is a very exciting experience.
这里的 this/ that/it 指代前面的 attend what is called a 'Space Camp'参加活动这件事
此题考察固定搭配:take part in 参加,加入
took part in a range of activities at the camp...
..and all of them/ these involved working in teams and solving problems.
这里的 them/ these 指代前面的 activities.
31.答案 MOST
此题考查【形容词的最高级:the+形容词最高级形式】That was, in fact, the most challenging thing we did!事实上,这是我们做过的最县挑战性的事情!
此题考察固定搭配:similar to 与...相似,和..相同
I also learnt how to carry out scientific experiments, similar to the ones done on theInternational Space Station.
Listening-part1 (1-7)
M: Foreign ones, yeah. l always ask people to give me small ones they've got left whenthey come back from abroad. l wanted an Australian one with kangaroos on for ages-I finally got one!
F: Cool! Have you got any rare coins, like collectors look for?M: No. My old British coins with a bird on the back aren't used any more -l don'tthink they’ re worth anything, though.l'm looking out for an indian one with atiger on- no luck so far!
2.答案 B
M: Yes, l did, luckily. l thought i’d lost it. l should remember to leave it by the frontdoor with my other stuff next time. lt was silly of me to take it to my room -l neverusually do that! l was looking everywhere till l saw it there underneath a pile ofclothes.
F: Well, at least you didn' t leave it in the kitchen like last timeA.是上次落下的地方;
They' ve all got beards as you can see, but he’s the only one with long hair. The onewith shorter hair sometimes sings too.
他是里面唯一有长发的人,故选 A。
F: Yeah, l was worried about whether it’d rain - the forecast said it might. You neverknow if it's going to be sunny or not at this time of year. Luckily it wasn't too bad.Shame it was cloudy though, We plaved games and had a picnic, and it was quite warm
5. 答案 B
F: Yeah, pretty good. We set off pretty early and it was over by two thirty. A nice guyshowed us round in the morning. There was actually a really cool restaurant inside themuseum and some people had their lunch there. l wish i'd taken some money. But !'dbrought sandwiches and l thought i’d sit outside in a really pretty garden behind.
M: Great!
F: No - it was actually pouring with rain , so l ate them on the bus coming homewhich wasn' t brilliant.
6.答案 B.
M: That one, white at the top and black at the bottom?F: Mine has more stripes.M: Ah yes, l can see it. l'll just get it for you!F: No, not that one! The white stripes are much wider than on mine. Look there it iswith narrow white stripes.
A.“我的箱子是带有条纹的”,排除 A:
F: ls that when you leave - the seventeenth? Oh lucky you!M: i’m sure mum said that we’re going on the sixteenth. Let me just check thecalendar on my phone. Ah yes, you’ re right about the date. We’ll be away for fifteendays actually. We’ re going to spend most of the time camping and doing stuff likefishing and rock-climbing.l just hope the weather's good.男生一开始记错了日期,记成了 16号,后来翻看日历之后,发现女生说得对,故选C。
8.答案 A.
F: l am. The coach is very patient and explains everything several times, but it's notalways easy to do what he wants. He has high standards and all the physical exercisesare very hard.
M: But you prepare for them, don' t you?F: That’s not the problem -l don't really understand what to do. l like warming up andstuff like that, so that's Ok, and the others in the team help me because they knowI'm the new girl. it's still hard, though!当我们听到 “but it's not always easy to do what he wants”这是一句转折句!这时候需要注意听后面的内容,后面通常就是答案出处。他认为教练比较严格,布置的任务也比较难完成,故选 A。
9.答案 C.
M: l still think l probably made a few mistakes - but now l've understood what'sinvolved and how to think about that kind of problem, l hope l'll be able to dealwith exercises like that much better next time!F: Yes, that's one good thing about it!
关键句译为:现在我知道了如何参与并且解决那样的问题,我希望我下次再面对类似的问题的时候可以表现的更好!并且我们根据最后一句话“that's one good thing about it!”得知,他学到了很多东西,故选 C.
10.答案 B.
M: No, but while the weather’s nice, l go out cycling as much as possible. OtherwiseI'm indoors all day long. As long as l keep doing something, that's what mattersisn' t it?
F: Of course. l’d love to join you, but l already go jogging every morning. That meansI don't always have time for breakfast before school, though. Mum's not very happyabout that.
M: l’m sure. Never forget how important it is to eat well. Anyway, i’ ll be back at thegym soon enough.
注意题干提到了 both,那就必须是两个人都同意的观点,他们都认为坚持规律的做运动是很重要的,故选 B.
F: l' m thinking about it. We only moved here just before last year's one, so l was toolate to be involved. The thing is, l’m not really into acting.l'm happier in theaudience.
M: You' d be great on stage. Anyway, you could always help with the costumes or lightsinstead. Come to the meeting and find out.F: Well, l have got some ideas about what the actors could wear on stage.
B.女生是需要参加演出的,B 选项错误;
C.根据后文提到的“| have got some ideas about what the actors could wear onstage.”判断C选项错误。
12.答案 B.
F: There were so many other people staying there, people could easily borrow thingsfrom each other if they'd forgotten anything. lt was good fun in the evenings, wasn't it?We must teach those games we played to our friends at school!M: Sometimes l just wanted to go to sleep, but yeah, it was certainly never boring.F: I hope we can go back next year!
注意题干提到了 agree,那就必须是两个人都同意的观点,他们都认为那里的氛围很好很活跃不会感到无聊,故选 B.
13.答案 B.
F: Good for you! i’m still on my first, but that’s ok cos the teacher covers everythingin a lot of detail, which l like. And l really enjoy the sessions - they make me feel morepositive about stuff, you know?
M: l feel the same, about myself, l mean. My teacher really likes to challenge us - butwhen you get it right you feel great.注意题干提到了 agree,那就必须是两个人都同意的观点,他们都认为弹吉他让自己变得更积极更加相信自己了,故选 B.
Listening-part3 (14-19)
解析: The exhibition's at a gallery where you can see many types of art, includingsculpture and painting, but the special exhibition is about drawing. So the trip'sparticularly good for those of you with an interest in that.这次的特别展出是关于绘画的,后文的“those ofyou with an interest in that.”对应题干信息。
15、答案 8.20
解析: Normally trips leave at nine, but it’s a 45-minute drive so you need to be at thebus station by 8.20.
车通常在九点出发,但路上需要 45 分钟车程,所以你需要在 8:20 到达车站。
解析: One thing l should explain, you're not allowed to carry backpacks inside thegallery.
听力中的 "you're not allowed”对应 16 题的题干信息“it's not permitted to take”,所以后面即是答案信息。
解析: The posters are high quality but they’re really very expensive - so l'd say thepostcards are a much better option.
原文中“a much better option”对应题干信息“recommend”
解析: A warm coat would be a good idea because it's going to be cold when wecome out afterwards. But don't worry about a hat and gloves. lt's not cold enoughfor that.
后面还提到了 hat and gloves,但是天气并没有那么冷,所以只需要带一件外套。
解析: lf you'd like to find out more about the exhibition, have a look atwww.Spirofax.com. !' ll spell that - S-P-|-R-O-f-A-X. lf you'd like to come, please letme know by ...根据拼写提示,可写出网址。
Listening-part4 (20-25)
20、答案 B
解析: lt was the perfect place to get close to them without them seeing me.l gotgreat pictures and it taught me the value of trees.这是一个很完美的地方,既可以靠近观察它们,它们也看不到我。
解析:Yes, several! The worst was with an eagle - they' re huge birds and very strong.
Looking back, it wasn’t a good idea to try and use my valuable new camera to try andphotograph it eating! lt kept flying at me until l couldn't hold onto the tree anylonger and dropped to the ground. l hurt a finger but that was all.前文有“The worst was”和“it wasn'ta good idea”提示后文会出现发生的事件经过:那只鹰一直在飞向我,直到我抓不住树枝掉到了地面上,并且有一根手指受伤了。
解析:I don't think the mother had seen a human before and was too curious tohave any fear for itself or its baby
23、答案 A
解析: crashing around high up in a young tree that was shaking under its weight.lkept expecting a branch to break and throw the gorilla to the ground! l don't knowwhat it was doing-it wasn't hunting anything.它冲上了一棵还很小的树,那棵树因为它的体重一直在摇晃..但她并没有在捕食。
24、答案 B
解析:The finishing date for the project wasn’t realistic, so l had to work almost non-stop for a month. lt was hard.
根据“It was hard.”往前推,前面的句子是他觉得困难的事情:工程要完成的期限很快就要到了,所以我不得不一直不停地工作了一个月。
解析:It’s no good if you mind being alone -often there’s just you and the wildlife. l docontract work, which means some months l get paid but others l'm unemployed.如果你不能够忍受孤独的话,这可能不太适合你--因为通常情况下都只有你和野生动物独处。