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01、Michelle's Essay

主题:#亚裔、韩国、移民故事。作者采用“Fish Out of Water”俚语开头,这句话翻译是,鱼离开水,意指不得其所,形容一个人处于不熟悉且不舒适的环境之中,十分不自在。借此描述了他在10岁时,随父母从韩国移民到美国伊利诺伊州生活的故事。

Successful Harvard Essay

Fish Out of Water

idiom. a person who is in an unnatural environment; completely out of place.


When I was ten, my dad told me we were moving to somewhere called "Eely-noise." The screen flashed blue as he scrolled through 6000 miles of water on Google Earth to find our new home. Swipe, swipe, swipe, and there it was: Illinois, as I later learned.

我十岁那年,爸爸告诉我,我们要搬到一个叫 "Eely-noise "的地方。当他在谷歌地球上滚动浏览 6000 英里的水域,寻找我们的新家时,屏幕闪烁着蓝光。滑动,滑动,滑动,就到了:伊利诺伊州,我后来才知道。

Moving to America was like going from freshwater into saltwater. Not only did my mom complain that American food was too salty, but I was helplessly caught in an estuary of languages, swept by daunting tides of tenses, articles, and homonyms. It's not a surprise that I developed an intense, breathless kind of thirst for what I now realize is my voice and self-expression.


This made sense because the only background I had in English was “Konglish”--an unhealthy hybrid of Korean and English--and broken phrases I picked up from SpongeBob. As soon as I stepped into my first class in America, I realized the gravity of the situation: I had to resort to clumsy pantomimes, or what I euphemistically called body language, to convey the simplest messages. School became an unending game of pictionary.


Amid the dizzying pool of vowels and phonemes and idioms (why does spilling beans end friendships?), the only thing that made sense was pictures and diagrams. Necessarily, I soon became interested in biology as its textbook had the highest picture-to-text ratio. Although I didn't understand all the ant-like captions, the colorful diagrams were enough to catch my illiterate attention: a green ball of chyme rolling down the digestive tract, the rotor of the ATP synthase spinning like a waterwheel. Biology drew me with its ELL-friendliness and never let go.


I later learned in biology that when a freshwater fish goes in saltwater, it osmoregulates--it drinks a lot of water and urinates less. This used to hold true for my school day, when I constantly chugged water to fill awkward silences and lubricate my tongue to form better vowels. This habit in turn became a test of English-speaking and bladder control: I constantly missed the timing to go to the bathroom by worrying about how to ask. The only times I could express myself were through my fingers, between the pages of Debussy and under my pencil tip. To fulfill my need for self-expression and communication, I took up classical music, visual art, and later, creative writing. To this day, I will never forget the ineffable excitement when I delivered a concerto, finished a sculpture, and found beautiful words that I could not pronounce. If biology helped me understand, art helped me be understood.


There's something human, empathetic, even redemptive about both art and biology. While they helped me reconcile with English and my new home, their power to connect and heal people is much bigger than my example alone. In college and beyond, I want to pay them forward, whether by dedicating myself to scientific research, performing in benefit concerts, or simply sharing the beauty of the arts. Sometimes, language feels slippery like fish on my tongue. But knowing that there are things that transcend language grounds and inspires me. English seeped into my tongue eventually, but I still pursue biology and arts with the same, perhaps universal, exigency and sincerity: to understand and to be understood.


Over the years, I have come to acknowledge and adore my inner fish, that confused, tongue-twistedand home-sick ELL kid from the other side of the world, which will forever coexist within me. And I've forgiven English, although I still can't pronounce words like “rural,” because it gifted me with new passions to look forward to every day. Now, when I see kids with the same breathless look that I used to have gasping for home water, Don't worry, I want to tell them.


You'll find your water.



Michelle's essay offers the reader a picturesque and witty journey through their immigrant experience of adapting to their new life in Illinois (Eely-noise!).


While some immigrant experience essays can come across as predictable, Michelle deftly crafts an extended metaphor using the idiom of a “fish out of water” to connect their passions for both biology and art with their evolving struggle to master English.

虽然有些移民经历文章可能显得平淡无奇,但Michelle巧妙地利用“Fish Out of Water”的俚语,构建了一个延伸的隐喻,将他对生物学和艺术的热爱与他学习英语到掌握英语的不断发展联系起来。

The uniqueness comes in the candid and often humorous depictions of Michelle's everyday struggles with language, from initially resorting to “clumsy pantomimes” to signal an intent to go to the bathroom to their “ineffable excitement” at finding beautiful new words to express themselves, showcasing Michelle's eventual growth into an articulate writer in full command of the English language.


Michelle's diverse passions, ranging from music, to art, to biology, are on full display in this essay, but what's most impressive is Michelle's nuanced and introspective journaling of adapting to American life and culture. It's evident that Michelle genuinely loves writing and relishes finding the right words to convey their thoughts, showcasing their tenacity and love of learning.


Michelle's sincere exuberance for growing as a writer and artist shines throughout this essay, with a warmth and humor that's infectious.


02、Francisco's Essay

主题:本篇文章描述了他参与麻省理工学院的少数族裔工程与科学入门 (MITES) 项目的经历。

Successful Harvard Essay

Three days before I got on a plane to go across the country for six weeks I quit milk cold-turkey. I had gone to the chiropractor to get a general check up. I knew I had scoliosis and other problems; however, I learned that because of my excessive, to say the least, intake of milk my body had developed a hormone imbalance. I decided it would be best for my health to completely stop drinking milk and avoid dairy when possible. Little did I know, this was only the start of a summer of change; three days later I got on a plane to attend the Minority Introduction To Engineering and Science (MITES) program in Massachusetts.

在我准备登上飞机前往美国度过6周时间的前三天,我彻底戒掉了牛奶。我去脊椎按摩师那里做了一次全身检查。我知道我有脊柱侧弯和其他问题;然而,我了解到,由于我过度摄入牛奶,我的身体出现了激素失衡。为了我的健康,我决定完全戒掉喝牛奶,并尽可能不喝乳制品。我当时不知道,这只是一个夏天改变的开始;三天后,我就坐上了去马萨诸塞州参加 "少数族裔工程与科学入门"(MITES)项目的飞机。

I assumed that most of the people were going to be unhealthily competitive because of my past experiences. I thought I would keep to myself, do my work, and come back no different. Living in a building with 80 people I've never met in a place I've never been while making a significant life style change was not easy. The first few days were not kind: I got mild stomach ulcers, it was awkward, and I felt out of place. That first Thursday night however, all of that started to change. On Thursday evenings we had “Family Meetings” and on this particular Thursday part of our Machine Learning class was working together when the time came to go to the dining hall for whatever this “Family Meeting” was. Honestly we dreaded it at first, “I have work to do” was the most common phrase. We learned that “Family Meeting” was a safe space for us to talk about anything and everything. Today's theme was, “what's something important about your identity that makes you unique?” but the conversation quickly evolved into so much more. People spoke about losing family members, being shunned at home, not feeling comfortable in their own skin, and more. So many people opened up about incredibly personal things, I felt honored to be given that trust. The room was somber and warm with empathy as the meeting concluded. Out of my peripheral vision I saw Izzy, one of my Machine Learning classmates, rushing back to the conference room. I realized something was not right. Instinctively, I followed her back to where we were working. Izzy sat down and immediately broke down, the rest of us filed in as she started to talk about what was wrong. It felt as though an ambulance was sitting on my chest, my breaths were short and stingy. I was afraid; afraid my support wouldn't be good enough, afraid to show that I cared, afraid they didn't care for me. In this one moment all my insecurities, some I didn't even know I had, came to the surface. The heavy silence of hushed sobbing was broken by an outpouring of support and a hug. We all started sharing what we're going through and even some of our past trauma. Slowly that weight is lifted off my chest. I feel comfortable, I feel wanted, I feel safe.

由于我过去的经历,我以为大多数人都会有不健康的好胜心。我以为我可以独来独往,做好自己的工作,回来后也不会有什么不同。我和 80 个素不相识的人住在一栋楼里,在一个我从未去过的地方,同时还要做出重大的生活方式改变,这并不容易。最初的几天我并不好过:我得了轻微的胃溃疡,感觉很尴尬,也觉得格格不入。然而,第一个周四晚上,这一切都开始改变了。每周四晚上,我们有“家庭会议”,在这个特别的周四,我们机器学习班的一部分在一起工作,时间到了,我们要去食堂参加这个“家庭会议”。老实说,一开始我们都很害怕,"我还有工作要做 "是最常见的一句话。后来我们才知道,"家庭会议 "是一个安全的空间,我们可以无所不谈。今天的主题是 "在你的身份中,有什么重要的东西让你与众不同?"但话题很快就发展到了更多方面。大家谈到了失去家人、在家里被人冷落、对自己的身份感到不自在等等。很多人都敞开了心扉,讲述了许多令人难以置信的个人隐私,我很荣幸能得到大家这样的信任。会议结束时,房间里充满了同情和温暖。

在我的余光中,我看到机器学习班的同学伊兹(Izzy)急匆匆地跑回会议室。我意识到事情有些不对劲。我本能地跟着她回到了我们工作的地方。Izzy 坐了下来,情绪立刻崩溃了,她开始诉说自己出了什么问题,我们其他人也都围了过来。我感觉胸口好像压着一辆救护车,呼吸短促而急促。我害怕;害怕我的支持不够好,害怕表现出我的关心,害怕他们不关心我。在这一瞬间,我所有的不安全感都浮出了水面,有些甚至是我自己都不知道的。大家的支持和拥抱打破了低声抽泣的沉寂。我们都开始分享自己的经历,甚至是一些过去的创伤。慢慢地,我胸中的重担卸下了。我感到舒适,感到被需要,感到安全。

This is the first time I truly felt confident, empowered, and loved. I am surrounded by people smarter than me and I don't feel any lesser because of it. I have become the true Francisco, or Cisco as they call me. I now, at all times, am unapologetically myself. The difference is night and day. As the program progressed I only felt more comfortable and safe, enough so to even go up and speak at a family meeting. These people, this family, treated me right. I gained priceless confidence, social skills, self-worth, empathetic ability, and mental fortitude to take with me and grow on for the rest of my life. Through all of this somehow cutting out the biggest part of my diet became the least impactful part of my summer.



Francisco's essay, "Three Days Before I Got on a Plane," describes his involvement in the Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) program at M.I.T., which serves as the backdrop for his introspective voyage. The story starts with a seemingly minor decision—giving up milk for health reasons—but it soon turns into a metaphor for the life-changing events that transpire. The essay skillfully makes use of this internal transformation to set up a summer that would fundamentally alter Francisco's perception of himself and his interactions with others. He is first nervous about the MITES program because he anticipates a very competitive setting that would make him feel even more alone. The physical and psychological difficulties he encounters early in the program—such as minor stomach ulcers and a strong sense of alienation—reinforce this worry.

Francisco的文书《上飞机前三天》描述了他参与麻省理工学院少数族裔工程与科学入门项目(MITES)的经历,该项目是他自省之旅的背景。故事从一个看似微不足道的决定开始--出于健康原因放弃喝牛奶--但很快就变成了一个隐喻,寓意着改变人生的事件接踵而至。这篇文章巧妙地利用了这一内在转变,为Francisco将从根本上改变他对自己的认识以及与他人的交往的夏天做了铺垫。他一开始对 MITES 项目感到紧张,因为他预计竞争会非常激烈,会让他感到更加孤独。他在项目初期遇到的生理和心理上的困难--比如轻微的胃溃疡和强烈的疏离感--更加剧了他的担忧。

But at the program's weekly "Family Meetings," which are meant to encourage candid conversation and support among members, the story takes a dramatic turn. Here is when Francisco undergoes a significant transformation. One meeting's theme, "what's something important about your identity that makes you unique?" expands into increasingly detailed, intimate revelations, turning the gathering into an environment of empathy and vulnerability. Francisco is extremely touched by the candor with which his peers have shared their personal issues, and this prompts him to reconsider how he approaches the program and his peers in general.

但是,在该计划每周一次的 "家庭会议 "上,故事发生了戏剧性的转变。"家庭会议 "的目的是鼓励成员之间进行坦诚的交谈并提供支持。Francisco在这里发生了重大转变。一次会议的主题是 "你的身份中有什么重要的东西让你与众不同?"会议上,Francisco透露了越来越多的细节和隐私,将会议变成了一个充满共鸣和温馨的环境。Francisco对同龄人坦诚分享个人问题深有感触,这促使他重新考虑如何对待这个项目和他的同龄人。

Francisco's essay does a fantastic job of illustrating how community and candid conversation can have a significant impact on personal development.


His experience serves as a testament to both the value of safe spaces in learning environments and the transformational potential of empathy. By the time the essay comes to an end, Francisco has grown as a person and acknowledges that he is now "the true Francisco," or "Cisco" as his friends call him. He highlights how this experience has given him the confidence to be authentically himself and has given him priceless social skills, self-worth, and emotional fortitude that he will use throughout his life.

他的经历既证明了学习环境中安全空间的价值,也证明了换位思考的变革潜力。文章结束时,Francisco已经成长为一个真正的人,他承认自己现在是 "真正的Francisco",朋友们都叫他 "Cisco"。他强调了这段经历如何让他有信心做真实的自己,并给了他无价的社交技能、自我价值和情感坚韧,他将终生受用。

Although Francisco's essay effectively recounts a transformative summer experience, it could be enhanced by the inclusion of additional personal details and background information to provide a more comprehensive understanding of his life and experiences. Valuable context could be provided by including specifications about his initial interest in engineering and science or his prior experiences with competitiveness. Expanding on how the MITES program influenced his long-term goals would further enhance the essay. Additionally, elaborating on his relationships with peers both before and after the program would offer a clearer picture of his social growth. These additional details would create a more complete and compelling narrative—presenting Francisco as a multifaceted individual.

尽管 Francisco 的文章有效地讲述了一个变革性的夏季经历,但可以通过加入额外的个人细节和背景信息来增强文章的可读性,以便更全面地了解他的生活和经历。可以通过包括他对工程和科学的最初兴趣或他之前的竞争经历来提供有价值的背景信息。扩展 MITES 计划如何影响他的长期目标将进一步增强文章的可读性。此外,详细说明他在计划前后与同龄人的关系将更清楚地描绘出他的社交成长。这些额外的细节将创造一个更完整、更引人注目的叙述——将 Francisco 呈现为一个多面的个体。



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