在藤校中,哥伦比亚大学因地理位置机构、排名靠前、录取人数相对较多而受到众多转学生的青睐。哥伦比亚大学在本科设置了Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, Barnard College, Jewish Theological Seminary, School of General Studies这5个学院,其中转学生申请最多的学院是除Jewish Theological Seminary之外的4个学院,而这4个学院对于转学生的要求也不尽相同。
1、Columbia College and Columbia Engineering(哥伦比亚学院&工程学院)
●申请系统:Coalition Application on Scoir,不是Common哦~
● 哥大工程学院Columbia Engineering一般要求学生有以下先修课:2个学期的微积分和物理、一个学期的化学;
●对于国际生的要求:语言成绩(TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo/Cambridge)或SAT (阅读和写作大于700)/ACT (英语或阅读大于29); 第三方面试(InitialView/Vericant)(optional)
●标准化考试要求(SAT/ACT): optional
1)List a selection of texts, resources and outlets that have contributed to your intellectual development outside of academic courses, including but not limited to books, journals, websites, podcasts, essays, plays, presentations, videos, museums, and other content that you enjoy. (100 words or fewer)
2)A hallmark of the Columbia experience is being able to learn and thrive in an equitable and inclusive community with a wide range of perspectives. Tell us about an aspect of your own perspective, viewpoint or lived experience that is important to you, and describe how it has shaped the way you would learn from and contribute to Columbia's diverse and collaborative community. (150 words or fewer)
3)In college/university, students are often challenged in ways that they could not predict or anticipate. It is important to us, therefore, to understand an applicant's ability to navigate through adversity. Please describe a barrier or obstacle you have faced and discuss the personal qualities, skills or insights you have developed as a result. (150 words or fewer)
4)Why are you interested in attending Columbia University? We encourage you to consider the aspect(s) that you find unique and compelling about Columbia. (150 words or fewer)
5)What attracts you to your preferred areas of study at Columbia College or Columbia Engineering? (150 words or fewer)
2、BarnardCollege (巴纳德学院)
●申请系统:Common Application;
●对于国际生的要求:语言成绩(TOEFL大于105/IELTS大于7.5/Duolingo大于135)或SAT (阅读和写作大于700)/ACT (英语或阅读大于29);第三方面试(InitialView/Vericant);
1)Required: Our backgrounds and experiences shape how we navigate the world and see ourselves. Tell us about when, where, or with whom you feel your most authentic, powerful self. How might Barnard College further cultivate this version of you?
2)Required: If you could plan and lead a semester-long college seminar, what academic topic would you choose and why?
3)Optional: Barnard College’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion mission statement says “Our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity has the potential to disrupt and transform entrenched practices and thinking.” In what ways have you challenged ideas, practices, or spaces? What did you learn from these experiences?
3、School of General Studies 通识学院
●申请截止日期:秋季:Priority: 1.15; Early Action: 3.1 (国际生申请截止时间);Regular: 5.15;春季:Priority: 9.1; Early Action: 10.1 (国际生申请截止时间);Regular: 11.1;
●标准化考试要求(SAT/ACT/ Online GS Admissions Exam):optional
A double-spaced essay of approximately 500 words.Tell us about your educational history, work experience, present situation, and plans. Please make sure to reflect on why you consider yourself a nontraditional student and have chosen to pursue your education at the School of General Studies of Columbia University.