



哈佛 Harvard University


The application process is the same for all candidates. Among a group of similarly distinguished applicants, the children of Harvard College alumni/ae may receive an additional look.

解读: 第一句关于可以忽略——学校只是说申请录取流程是一视同仁的,第二句话才是重点:父母本科毕业于哈佛的话,子女申请会受到优待。注意,哈佛硕士及博士并不在legacy政策优待范围内。  

耶鲁 Yale University


Among all these factors, because we value the loyalty and involvement of our alumni, legacy status is given positive weight in the college admissions decision. It’s important to understand that being a legacy does not guarantee admission to Yale College. But the pool of legacy applicants is substantially stronger than the average of the rest of the pool. The grades and test scores of the legacies we admit are higher than the average of the rest of the admitted class, and the legacies that matriculate achieve higher grades at Yale than non-legacy students with the same high school grades and test scores.

When you stop to think about it, this isn’t so surprising. Legacy students are coming from highly educated households, where books, reading, and cultural life are prized. They tend to be more exposed to and more serious about intellectual matters. We are admitting very strong students as legacies.

解读: 耶鲁是少数几个公开为校友子女录取优待政策辩护发生的学校。耶鲁甚至已经公开声明:“校友子女确实表现更优异,为什么不能优先录取?” 在全美范围内、甚至藤校学生内部都提倡废除该政策的社会背景下,耶鲁的发生可谓是再一次给期望申请耶鲁的同学提了个醒:耶鲁对校友的优待短期内绝对不会有大的变化,一般来说校友子女的录取率会比非校友的高10%左右。  

普林斯顿 Princeton University


The application process is the same for all candidates. However, in recognition of the special bond that Princeton has with its alumni, it is considered a “plus factor” in our process if your mother, father, stepmother or stepfather attended Princeton. We take that information into account as part of our holistic review process.

解读: 和哈佛一样,第一句话可以忽略,普林斯顿对本科校友子女—甚至是收养的子女,都会给到优待。  

宾夕法尼亚大学 the University of Pennsylvania


We appreciate that attending Penn is a tradition for many families. The Admissions Office identifies legacy applicants based on the information provided in a student’s application and defines “legacy” as being either a child or grandchild of alumni. Legacies who apply to Penn—like all applicants—receive thorough consideration in the application process.

解读: 宾大采取的是对宾大研究生及以上学位校友以及本科校友的子女以及孙子女均给予优待政策。包括老师在内,有不少数量的华人均在宾大接受过教育,请一定记得在孩子申请的时候把校友身份说明。  

布朗大学 Brown University


Brown takes into account the natural affinity for the University that often emerges among family members of our graduates. In particular, we will note when an applicant has a parent who has graduated from Brown. While such a relationship may be a consideration when it comes to choosing among equally strong candidates, it does not ensure admission. Brown has a strong responsibility to create a new generation of successful college graduates.

解读: 开篇说明了布朗非常重视家族传承以及“证据表明”校友亲属子女确实为学校带来很大贡献。后半句补充一句,不要以为子女就一定能进去,布朗还是很在乎培养新一代大学生的——一方面确实是布朗特立独行的风格,另一方面也是需要大家认清事实,校友只会越来越多,校友子女的竞争也在白热化。  

哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University


We are always pleased to receive applications from students whose family members have graduated from Columbia. When an applicant is extremely competitive and compares favorably with other similarly talented candidates, being the child of a Columbia University graduate (from any Columbia University school or college) may be a slight advantage in the admission process. This advantage may especially apply for "legacy" candidates, who are the children of Columbia College or Columbia Engineering graduates.

解读: 所有的哥大校友子女都会受到优待,特别是本科毕业于哥大以及哥大工程学院的学生,这一类是校友子女中受到更高待遇的群体。  

康奈尔 Cornell University

官方政策及解读: 康奈尔没有明确定义到底谁才算legacy,但是康奈尔有一个特点,校友子女的录取优待只适用于早申ED阶段。也就是说,如果你早申没有选择康奈尔,只是在RD轮递交,校友子女身份并不会给你带来什么加成作用。  

达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College

官方政策及解读: 达特茅斯学院从2012年起就再没有公开过校友子女录取数据了。这一点都不奇怪。达特茅斯曾经被状告明显倾向于录取家境优渥的申请人。在这样的背景下,校友子女录取优待这种备受争议的内容不公开讨论也实属正常。在2012年的官方公布中,一位招生办负责人曾发言表示,校友子女比非校友子女有2倍的录取率。   但是,达特茅斯学院有一个特点,它的规模非常小,位子也随之更少,真正在最后受到优待的,不是校友,而是进行了大额捐赠的校友。  







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