
这是一篇前几年MIT招生官Chris Peterson 写给申请者的文章,被很多申请者拿来做自己的申请指导,更有热衷的中国家长Catherine Mao将其翻译成中文,被MIT招生官再次推荐给各位申请者。老师分享给大家。



Every fall, like leaves tumbling exhausted from branches, admissions officers follow the winds to the corners of the country to talk to students and hawk their school.


I recently returned from my travel, which took me from Raleigh, North Carolina to Atlanta,Georgia and a dozen places in between over the course of a few days. I visited big high schools and small high schools, cities and villages, and performed what amounted to a thousand-person MIT revival in an Atlanta auditorium.


Whenever I speak to students or their families, be it on travel or during a campus information session, without fail I am asked the same question.


This question may take many forms. What is it that you look for in an applicant?, some say.

What makes someone stand out in your pool?, others ask.


But these variants – and countless others – are all just versions of the same question, which is this: How do I get into MIT?


And here is what I tell them:Apply sideways.


Let me unpack that.


When folks ask me this question, it is generally because they want to come to MIT, and they want me to tell them something they can do that will get them in. Maybe they need to be an Eagle Scout with a 4.0. Or a drum major with a 2400. Maybe they need to solve an open math problem or cure cancer before graduating high school. Just tell me what I need to do, their eyes implore, and I will attack each line item on the list like Ray Lewis cleaning a wideout’s clock on a slant route over the middle.


Terrifying? Yes. Required to be accepted to MIT? No.




But it doesn’t work that way. Because here’s what you need to understand: There is nothing,literally nothing, that in and of itself will get you in to MIT.

For example: A few years ago, we did not admit a student who had created a fully-functional nuclear reactor in his garage. Think about that for a second.



Now, most students, when I tell them this story, become depressed. After all, if the kid who built a freakin’ nuclear reactor didn’t get in to MIT, what chance do they have?

But they have it backwards. In fact, this story should be incredibly encouraging for most students. It should be liberating. Why? 

Because over a thousand other students were admitted to MIT that year, and none of them built a nuclear reactor!



I don’t mean to discourage anything from pursuing incredible science and technology research on their own. If you want to do it, DO IT. But don’t do it because you think it’s your ticket to MIT. And that applies to everything you do – classes, SATs, extracurriculars. There is no golden ticket. So breathe.


Now that you are Zen calm, liberated from the pressures of not having cured cancer by your 18th birthday, what should you do if you still want to come to MIT?

- 好好上学,选修难的课。向审问犯人般地省察你的想法和推论。像狗跟踪一般紧追不舍并顽强地去追求知识。因为接受教育和拥有聪明才智要比没有的好。

-Do well in school. Take tough classes. Interrogate your beliefs and presumptions. Pursue knowledge with dogged precision. Because it is better to be educated and intelligent than not.

- 做好人。这一点是无比的重要。不要肆无忌惮地使坏、或是不在乎、或是恶毒残酷。以好意对待你周围的人。助人。为你的社区贡献。

-Be nice. This cannot be overstated. Don’t be wanton or careless or cruel. Treat those around you with kindness. Help people. Contribute to your community.

- 追求你的热忱。找到什么是你所爱的事,然后去做。也许是一种运动。也许是一件乐器。也许是学术研究。也许是在你的团体中做一位领导人。数学。烘培。打盹。跳房子。不论是什么,花时间在上面。全身投入。享受它。

- Pursue your passion. Find what you love, and do it. Maybe it’s a sport. Maybe it’s an instrument. Maybe it’s research. Maybe it’s being a leader in your community. Math. Baking.Napping. Hopscotch. Whatever it is, spend time on it. Immerse yourself in it. Enjoy it.


If you do these three things, you will be applying sideways to MIT. See:

如果你进了麻省理工学院,那是因为你按照这些步骤做了。如果你在学校表现得好,你将会是聪慧伶俐并且已准备好接受麻省理工学院的教育。如果你是好人,那么你的推荐信会让我们相信麻省理工学院将会因为你来到校园中而变成一个更加狂野地美好的地方。此外,如果你追求你的热忱,你会已经发展出对于某件事的热爱和本领而令你在众多申请人中脱颖而出 - 这就是你的”钓钩”。


If you get into MIT, it will be because you followed these steps. If you do well in school, you will be smart and prepared for an MIT education. If you are nice, then your letters of recommendation will convince us that MIT would be a wildly better place with you on campus. And if you pursue your passion, you will have developed a love for and skill at something that helps distinguish you from other applications – something that is your “hook.” 

But what if you don’t get into MIT?


Well, you may be disappointed. But you learned everything you could, so now you’re smarter; you were a positive member of your community, and you made people happy; and you spent high school doing not what you thought you had to do to get into a selective college, but what you wanted to do more than anything else in the world. In other words, you didn’t waste a single solitary second of your time.

横向申请,一个座右铭,是指不要做那些你自以为会帮助你进入麻省理工学院(或是哈佛、或是加州理工学院、或是任何一所大学)的事。相反的,你应该用功读书,做一个好人,然后追求你所热衷的事,因为如此你会在高中时做所有该做的事,并且,以一种完全是副作用的形式,你将会在激烈的大学入学竞争中拥有一个你所能争取到的最亮眼的角色 。

Applying sideways, as a mantra, means don’t do things because you think they will help you get into MIT (or Harvard, or CalTech, or anywhere). Instead, you should study hard, be nice, and pursue your passion, because then you will have spent high school doing all the rights things, and, as a complete side effect, you’ll be cast in the best light possible for competitive college admissions.


Sometimes, you really can have the best of both worlds.







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