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Parental Care by frogs

第一段:据估计,仅有约 10% 的无尾目动物(青蛙和蟾蜍)物种会提供某种形式的亲代抚育。在这 10% 的物种中,亲代抚育行为具有非常大的多样性,主要有五种基本类型,最常见的是照料卵,多数情况下是照料陆地上的卵,其他四种类型分别是运输卵、照料幼蛙或蝌蚪(青蛙发育的未成熟阶段)、运输蝌蚪或幼蛙以及喂养蝌蚪。







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第一段:15 和 16 世纪,阿兹特克帝国横跨如今墨西哥的中部和南部,涵盖高地和低地。在相对平坦的低地和一些浅湖床地区,灌溉农业占主导。人们建造了大面积的洪水灌溉系统,水中携带的营养物质和土壤颗粒使土壤得到强化和补充,无需休耕。灌溉比休耕技术更为集约,能带来更多剩余产品并养活更多人口,还可能使用了作物轮作和肥料来提高产量。靠近天然泉水的土地可由泉水永久灌溉,墨西哥盆地南部泉水众多,集中了大量灌溉农业系统,这些系统能在雨季来临前获取水源,使作物能提前种植并在霜冻季节前成熟,生产可靠性较高。

第二段:灌溉农业最集约的形式是奇南帕田。奇南帕田是从淡水湖浅床开垦出的高产土地,呈长矩形,宽 2 到 4 米,长 20 到 40 米,高出水面约 1 米,虽被误称为 “浮动花园”,但在霍奇米尔科及周边城市仍在耕种且是热门旅游景点。奇南帕田通过在湖泊浅水区交替堆积植被和泥土建造,起初用木桩固定,后来种植在角落和边缘的柳树根系使其稳固。整个地块是持续耕种的深厚腐殖质基础,四周有运河和步道,从相邻运河取水灌溉。尽管土壤能不断得到养分补充,但可能还使用了其他肥料、作物轮作和多种作物种植来提高产量。

第三段:奇南帕田种植多种作物,包括玉米、豆类、辣椒、苋菜、番茄和花卉。有充分迹象表明,当时的奇南帕田农民像如今一样,先在小苗床播种,待种子发芽后再移植到整个奇南帕田,玉米可能是唯一无需此阶段的作物。苗床技术能确保更高回报,因为只有发芽的植物才被移植,还使耕种者能在作物种植上有一定重叠,即一种作物即将收获时,另一种作物可在苗床发芽,减少了种植间隔。如今和 16 世纪时,每年任何一块奇南帕田都可能种植 7 种不同作物。

第四段:奇南帕田系统的集约性、可靠性和多样性固然重要,但必须结合其供养的人口来考量。通过对 16 世纪文献的广泛研究,爱德华・卡尔内克得出结论:较大的奇南帕田持有量通常只能提供家庭生存收入的不超过 15%,很多情况下实际贡献估计不到家庭需求的 1%,小地块的奇南帕田甚至难以理解为何还被保留。


R 3

The Greek Revival

第一段:约公元前 1100 年迈锡尼希腊文明崩溃后,希腊经历了约三个世纪鲜为人知的黑暗时代。公元前 776 年(首届奥运会冠军首次被记录的年份)标志着希腊历史新时期 —— 古风时代(持续到公元前 500 年)的开始,带来了文化、经济和政治的复兴。黑暗时代人口增长使希腊本土土地无法产出足够农产品,于是进口食物,促进了希腊商业和贸易商品生产的扩张,这导致希腊与腓尼基人产生直接冲突,希腊人凭借灵活的战舰从腓尼基人手中夺取了重要贸易路线的控制权。

第二段:解决人口过剩问题的另一个办法是海外寻找新农田。在约公元前 750 年至 550 年的殖民浪潮中,希腊城市在黑海、亚得里亚海、地中海沿岸(北非、法国、西班牙等地)建立殖民地,且多占据沿海地区。例如科林斯在西西里建立了锡拉库萨城,大量移民进入南意大利和西西里西部(即 “大希腊”)。殖民地与母城文化、社会结构和政府相同,虽有情感联系但完全独立。由于殖民者多为男性,他们与当地居民混居,传播了希腊文化,使其在地中海地区乃至中欧和南俄得以扩散。


第四段:希腊陶器是重要的贸易商品。一些陶器用于仪式(如作为墓碑的大瓮),但多数是实用的,如用来储存食物的双耳细颈瓶以及各种餐具。希腊陶工成为公认的制陶大师,所有希腊城市都生产本地用陶器,重要贸易城市的陶器在古代世界备受珍视。公元前 6 世纪,科林斯以浅色背景上的黑色图案陶器闻名,到公元前 500 年,雅典的黑底红像陶器成为流行风格。



Early Production of Paper in Europe


The Declineof the Arctic Fox in Scandinavia


The Rise of the Maya


Early domestication and Agriculture


Economic Reasoning


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教授详细阐释了海洋保护区的设立情况,以及其在保护海洋资源与栖息地方面所发挥的关键作用,尤其是对鱼类生存繁衍和珊瑚礁生态稳定的重要影响。MPA 的选址与规模大小,很大程度上取决于鱼类种群的分布扩散模式。

鱼类的扩散模式大致可分为封闭型和开放型两类。封闭型鱼群从出生起,终其一生都栖息在最初诞生的珊瑚礁区域;而开放型鱼群则会在生长过程中迁徙至其他珊瑚礁地带。基于此特性,对于封闭型种群,设立一个能覆盖单一珊瑚礁的 MPA 便足以实现有效保护;但对于开放型种群而言,由于其活动范围广泛,就需要多个保护区协同作用。


随着研究技术的不断进步,诸如 DNA 测试等新方法应运而生。这些新方法揭示出,众多鱼种,特别是像小丑鱼这类小型鱼类,大多属于封闭型种群。小丑鱼幼鱼阶段持续时间较短,且游动时贴近海底,水流难以将其远距离携带,所以,对它们栖息地的保护工作相对而言更为简易。这些新发现为更精准地划定 MPA 的范围提供了有力依据,助力提升海洋保护工作的科学性与有效性。





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教授对 “外光派” 绘画运动展开了介绍。外光派,区别于传统在室内画室创作的方式,倡导艺术家直接在户外进行绘画。

这一绘画运动最早于 17 世纪在罗马萌芽,不过,直至 19 世纪,才在欧洲与美国广泛流行开来。外光派画家们将精准描绘自然光线、氛围以及天气的动态变化视为创作追求。

19 世纪,两项重要发明极大地推动了外光派的发展,它们分别是便携的 “法式画架” 以及锡制颜料管。有了这些工具,画家们在户外创作时,不仅能够便捷地安置画架,还能轻松携带颜料,为户外作画提供了前所未有的便利条件。

法国印象派画家深受外光派的启发,像莫奈,他尤为钟情户外作画,甚至宣称 “自然是他的画室”。莫奈常常会在不同的时间点对同一场景进行绘画,目的是捕捉在各异光线下场景所呈现出的独特效果。他的这一创作方法,进一步扩大了外光派的影响力,让更多人了解并关注到这种绘画方式。

教授鼓励学生们亲身到户外去尝试外光派绘画。在实践过程中,要仔细观察自然光线对场景所产生的影响。由于户外光线变化迅速,教授特别强调作画速度的重要性,需快速捕捉光影瞬间。同时,尽管要尽可能准确地描绘眼前所见场景,但也可根据创作意图,有选择地省略那些无关紧要的元素,以此突出画作的核心主题 。

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学生前往办公室,与老师探讨论文相关事宜。老师告知学生,自己即将参加一个重要会议。学生听闻,不禁疑惑地问道:“老师,您该不会是想让我在这个会议上做论文展示吧?” 老师与学生交流了许久,随后澄清道:“并非如此。我是希望你能协助我做些事情。这个会议汇聚了众多学术领域的高端人士,若能借此机会结识他们,将对我的学术发展大有裨益。



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TASK 1独立口语题

Task 1:(套一)

Given the choice, many people would prefer to live in an older or more historic building or house. Others would prefer to live in a more modern building or house. Which would you prefer, and why?

Task 2:(套二)

In order to be successful, some prefer to take risks while others prefer to keep cautious and careful. Which one do you think is the better way to succeed?

Task 3:(套三)

Some people think children should wear uniforms to school. Others believe uniforms should not be required. Which point of view do you agree with? Support

TASK 2校园题

Task 2:(套一)

In the reading,it is suggested that the school should allow students to rent bikes for the whole semester. Currently, students can only rent bikes for 24 hours and have to return them to the gym. There are two reasons. First, it can save timeas students don't need to return the bikes to the gym every day. Second, students will take better care of the bikes, and they can send the bikes to the gym for free maintenance.

The man in the conversation agrees with this suggestion. He has an early class in the morning and the gym is far from his dormitory. If he can ride a bike directly to class, it will be much more convenient and he can sleep a little longer.In fact, at the beginning of this semester, he got the bike in the morning and rode it to class. It was indeed faster.

Besides, he thinks the maintenance method is feasiblebecause many students don't know how to repair bikes by themselves, and regular check - ups are also good for the bikes.


In the reading, the student suggests that group study should be prohibited in the study loungeand students should go to the library instead. There are two reasons. One is to keep the quiet environment, and the other is to ensure everyone can use the study lounge. The man in the conversation agrees with this suggestion.First, maintaining a quiet atmosphere is crucial.If group study is allowed in the study lounge, it will be messy and definitely affect students' study. When students are trying to concentrate on their own work, the noise from group discussions can be a huge distraction.

Also, it's about the fair use of resources. The space in the study lounge is limited. If group study is permitted, it's likely that one group may take up a large part of the space, leaving insufficient room for individual students. On the contrary, the library is more suitable for group study as it usually has enough tables and chairs to accommodate groups without causing such problems.


In the reading, the student proposes thatthe school should add shuttle buses directly to nearby cities to facilitate students' trips home during vacationsbecause this would be convenientand specific schedules could be arranged. The student in the conversation doesn't fully agree. On one hand, adding these shuttle buses would greatly improve students' travel convenience.

During vacations, students currently have to transfer between different means of transportation multiple times, which consumes a great deal of time and energy. With the addition of direct shuttle buses, students would reduce the hassle of traveling and be able to get home much faster.

On the other hand, the studentdoesn’t support the time - arrangement aspect because it would lack flexibility.Some students may finish their exams ahead of schedule, and some may want to return to school earlier. A fixed - schedule shuttle bus would not be able to meet the diverse needs of these students, thus lacking the flexibility they require.

TASK 3学术讲座题


In the reading, “Active Evolution” means that living things change to fit their environment or get an edge in surviving.A group of organisms can change the way their genes are distributed in the group. They do this by doing things on purpose or by changing how their bodies work. This change in the genes helps them evolve.In the listening, the professor gives an example of a plant in lawns.There is a kind of plant that grows in lawns. About 100 years ago, lawnmowers became popular in the United States. Since this plant had long stems, it was often cut off by lawnmowers. As a result, within just 100 years, this plant evolved a coping strategy. Instead of growing vertically upwards, it started to grow horizontally. In this way, it was less likely to be cut by lawnmowers. So, this kind of grass has achieved evolution to adapt to the new external environment through active evolution.


TheOversimplified Cause Fallacyoccurs when analyzing the causes of a phenomenon or event by attributing it to a single factor in an overly simplistic manner, while neglecting other potentially significant or even critical contributing factors.

For instance, someone might claim that a rise in a city’s crime rate is solely due to reduced police patrols. However, in reality, increased crime could result from multiple interconnected factors. Beyond fewer patrols, it might involve economic downturns leading to higher unemployment (which drives some to crime out of desperation), declining educational attainment in communities (contributing to skewed values among certain groups), or the spread of violent media content influencing behavior. Focusing exclusively on police patrols exemplifies this fallacy.

Another example is attributing a company’s declining performance purely to high product pricing. Yet, the downturn might stem from a combination of issues like deteriorating product quality, intensified market competition, flawed marketing strategies, or inadequate after-sales service. Blaming only the product’s price oversimplifies the cause.By ignoring complex, multifaceted influences, this fallacy undermines accurate analysis and problem-solving.


The concept of specialization mentioned in the reading means that some animals don't need to compete with others for food because they've developed special skills. This adaptation is highly beneficial for their survival, allowing them to thrive in their respective habitats. In the listening, the professor takes the koala as an example to illustrate specialization. Koalas have a unique diet, feeding almost exclusively on eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus contains toxins that make the leaves poisonous to most other animals, making them inedible. Consequently, no other animals compete with koalas for this foodsource. Koalas don't get poisoned because they've evolved a specialized digestive system over time. Their digestive system is uniquely designed to break down and process these toxic leaves efficiently. In this case, specialization gives koalas a distinct advantage by eliminating competition in food acquisition, thus ensuring the stability of their food supply. This stable food source, in turn, contributes to the overall well - being and survival of the koala population in the wild.

TASK 4 学术讲座题


The professor discusses two different types of suspense in movies that are used to capture viewers' attention.The first type is leaving suspense at the end. For instance, in a movie, two characters are looking for gold. At different times, one might take the lead, only to fall behind in the next moment. They also obtain new clues from time to time. The reason the audience keeps watching is out of curiosity to find out who will be the first to discover the gold in the grand finale. This uncertainty about the ending creates a strong pull, making the viewers anticipate the final result. The second type is creating suspense during the process. In this case, the audience can more or less guess the ending, but they are unsure about the entire process that leads to it. As a result, they feel compelled to watch the movie to learn how things unfold. Consider a romantic - comedy as an example. The viewers are fairly certain that the two main characters will end up falling in love. However, they are intrigued to know the details of how this love blossoms. Will they have a chance encounter as they pass each other on the street? Or will they meet while having a meal at the same restaurant? These uncertainties about the process create suspense, enticing the audience to follow the story to uncover the full sequence of events.


In tropical areas, mountain plants possess two distinct features. The first feature is the leathery texture of their leaves.These leathery leaves are relatively hard and thick, with a waxy layer on the surface. This characteristic effectively reduces water loss. In the mountainous environment of tropical areas, where the wind can be strong, the waxy and thick - textured leaves also help the plants resist mechanical damage from the strong winds. The second feature is that these plants are compact in shape and have numerous branches. The compact plant form can decrease the force exerted by strong winds on the whole plant, thus reducing the risk of being blown over. A large number of branches increase the area for photosynthesis. This is beneficial for the plants to accumulate nutrients, which is essential for maintaining their growth and survival in such an environment.


Work Incentives refer to a series of reward measures established by enterprises or organizations to motivate employees, improve work efficiency, and enhance performance. Some stores don't pay employees based on working hours but use an incentive - based salary system, which means they pay according to employees' performance. However, according to the professor, this system brings two problems. First, it's difficult to correctly determine who should be rewarded.Take the employees in a computer store for example. One employee spends a lot of time and effort introducing products to a customer. But the customer doesn't make a purchase on the same day. The next day, another employee receives the customer and finalizes the sale. Eventually, the employee who helps with the checkout gets the reward, while the one who originally put in the effort to introduce the products doesn't. Second, it leads to competition among employees and makes them reluctant to help each other. For instance, experienced sales employees, in order to maintain their excellent performance and obtain high rewards, are unwilling to share their skills and experience. As a result, other employees have no way to learn how to sell products effectively.



The writer believesthat the most typical feature of marsupials like kangaroos is a patch of skin on their abdomen to protect their newborn babies. Some scientists believe that these marsupials are more primitive and less adaptable to new environments than those with placenta.However, the professor’s lecture casts doubt on the reading.

To begin with, bagged animals are often born in the later stages of development, while placental animals are born only after they have grown up. Therefore, the offspring of marsupials often develop poorly and are not fully developed, resulting in poor immune function. Correspondingly, it is more likely to die prematurely. The professor in the lecture challenges the opinion, for the reason that little kangaroos live in their mother's womb for a very long time. It can grow in a protected environment. And you can also drink your mother's milk, which can absorb the antibodies in your mother's body to resist infection. Furthermore, it increased the immunity of the kangaroo itself

In addition,the temperature changes of marsupials are often greater than those of placental animals, which is actually more dangerous. This indicates that marsupials cannot control their body temperature well, and therefore cannot guarantee their optimal survival state. However, the professor maintains an opposite opinion thatmarsupials can also control their body temperature, for example, some small kangaroos intentionally lower their body temperature to save energy. This way, they don't need to consume so much food, so they can control their body temperature well, which helps them survive.

In the end, the writer holds the viewthatwhen there is competition between marsupials and placental animals in South America, it is evident that marsupials often have limited adaptability. However, animals only dominate in Australia because placental animals only entered Australia in recent centuries. Whereas, the professor in the lecture believes, on the contrary of reading,mammals arrived in Australia a long time ago and lived there millions of years ago. So marsupials and placental animals have been competing for a long time. In this case, marsupials still dominate, indicating that marsupials have strong adaptability.


Your professor is teaching a class . Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.

Express and support your opinion.

Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Dr. Achebe

This week, we will be discussing space exploration.Some people think that it is a waste of money for governments to fund space exploration. Others disagree with this view, arguing that space exploration is a valuable and necessary investment for our future. They think that it is worthy for governments to fund space exploration. l want to know what you think about this topic. Do you think that governments should fund space exploration?Why or why not?


I don't think that governments should fund space exploration,because it will be too costly to build spaceships and develop related technologies. Though space exploration tech costs billions, it doesn't offer direct benefits to most people, which makes its funding a controversial issue.


Personally, I do think that all the costs will be worth it. The potential scientific discoveries and technological advancements could have far-reaching impacts that justify the initial investment. Imagine the new inventions that might come from this exploration. Such technology could greatly improve our everyday lives.







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