上午场·3.1托福写作范文+分析| 重复上周网红题目(命中原题)+外太空探索+过度消费





综合阅读:柏树的根上长的knees的作用:1.在空气中吸收氧气 2.提供额外支持力 3.向空气中排放甲烷听力:1.科学家实验 吧knees放在罐子里氧气浓度没有变化 2.knees长在平行根上无支撑力 3.甲烷对树无害。@175期I..



This week, we discussed the importance of role models and opinion makers in society. One idea we discussed was the widespread impact of "influencers." Influencers are people who are very active posting on social media and who have many followers. Influencers' posts and opinions can influence their followers' choices on everything from fashion to politics.In your opinion, do social media influencers generally have a positive or negative effect on their followers? Why do you think so?

Kelly:I think the influencers' effect is generally positive. People can learn about the latest trends and topics in a very quick and efficient way by following influencers. In the past, people had to spend time looking through magazines or visiting boutiques to even know what was trending.

Paul:I think influencers generally have a negative effect because they have far too much influence. I can think of one influencer who only has to mention a particular kind of sports shoe, and the next day they'll be sold out. The followers aren't really thinking for themselves; they're just blindly following the influencers' choices.


二. 题目阅读:


-->引入本节课讨论重点:网红influencers 的影响



--> 提出问题:网红对粉丝的影响是积极的,还是消极的?


三. 题目是一个二选一,大家选择一边倒同意. 也可以 同意+踩对方.

四. 其他2位同学角度:

Kelly:积极. 因为让人很快地知道现在的潮流trends、话题topics . + 【对比】以前,需要花很长时间看报纸,逛店.

👩🏻‍🏫Eva说:Kelly 的观点比较简单和正面.展开通过对比or举例也很容易。大家可以采纳。比如,很多fashion blogger时尚博主,科技博主等. 让我知道了最新的趋势,购买到了满意的产品。

Paul:消极. 因为影响太大了。【举例】有一位网红提到了一款球鞋,结果第二天就卖光了,因为粉丝只是无脑跟随/被“割韭菜”.(The followers aren’t really thinking for themselves; they are just blindly following the influencers’ choices.)



1. 他们的影响是消极的。因为他们会偷偷接一些广告/资助,宣传一些根本不实用的产品,导致粉丝无脑购买,浪费钱. 比如…(这里可以使用写作团的语料: (when people see clothes, cosmetics, a car, or a holiday being plugged by someone they admire and respect, they might be swayed into buying it. )


1. 错误言论影响人:因为网红可能famous for nothing/以不知道什么原因就火起来了。他们本身并没有什么特别智慧,也并不是什么领域的专家。所以他们的很多言论,建议,尤其是生活,政治方面的,就是错误的,对粉丝有很大的误导性,造成严重的伤害。比如,卡戴珊家族等提倡不吃碳水减肥…


思路:我认为是个好影响。因为人们生活很忙,当购买商品的时候没那么多时间去仔细充分了解产品,所以关注一些相关的专业的influencers,看他们的介绍和推荐,可以非常快地选择适合自己的产品。 所以是总的来说是个好影响。


I align myself with Kelly’s argument that influencers have a beneficial impact on their followers.This is due to the time-saving benefit their recommendations provide. Living in a fast-paced world, individuals struggle tokeep up with the latest trends, products, and ideas.That's where influencerscome into the picture.Take, for instance, a time when I needed a new computer for work purposes.I sought advice from a professional tech Vlogger. In one of his videos, he offered comprehensive analysis of the popular computers in the market, rating them based on a variety of aspects like functionality and performance. Relying on his expertise saved me considerable time and energy that would have been spent on doing the research myself. I chose the MacBook, which turned out to be light enough to carry around and user-friendly enough for my needs as a frequent traveler.In conclusion,the ability of influencers to attract millions of followers is due to their expertise in their respective fields. Their deep understanding of these fields empowers followers to make wise decisions, saving them time and effort.This demonstrates the invaluable role of influencers in our busy modern lives.






教授This week, we will be discussing space exploration. Some people think that it is a waste of money for governments to fund space exploration. Others disagree with this view arguing that space exploration is a valuable and necessary investment for our future. They think that it is worthy for governments to fund space exploration. I want to know what you think about this topic. Do you think that governments should fund space exploration? Why or why not?

Kelly:I don't think that governments should fund space exploration because it will be too costly to build spaceships and develop related technologies. Though space exploration tech costs billions, it doesn't offer direct benefits to most people, which makes its funding a controversial issue.

Andrew:Personally, I do think that all the costs will be worth it. The potential scientific discoveries and technological advancements could have far-reaching impacts that justify the initial investment. Imagine the new inventions that might come from this exploration. Such technology could greatly improve our everyday lives.




2. 题目翻译:


(3). 审题注意点:

1.Do you think that governments should fund space exploration? Why or why not?比较传统的利弊题型。

2. government fund:联系团里讲解的政府投资思路/语料

👩🏻‍🏫:这个题目从正面去写space travel的内容,需要有大量的知识储备,反而从政府角度会容易一些。

3. space travel:满足人类的好奇心。

4. space exploration:比如探索金星,火星上是否有生命,他们是如何变成现在这样的。是否有人类需要的资源:能源,空间资源。人类是否可以移民过去….


我同意kelly的观点。探索外太空会给政府带来沉重的经济负担。因为太空探索需要庞大的资金投入。比如,仅仅是修造一个太空飞船就需要上万的科学家,工程师和工人来多年的投入。 但是,另一方面,政府的资金是有限的。如果花了大量的资金在太空探索上,就没有足够的资金来投入其他更重要,更紧急的项目,比如教育,医疗和就业。所以,我觉得这不是一个好的政策。




I agree with Kelly's perspective that governments should not allocate funds to space exploration.First, these ventures require massive financial investment, often running into billions, which would unduly strain a government's budget.For instance,developing a single advanced spaceship involves the collective expertise of numerous scientists, engineers, and builders, working for years and requiring highly specialized equipment and materials.

Second, the issue of budget constraints.Governments operateon limited budgetsand mustprioritize sectorsthat directly impact the well-being of their citizens,such as education, healthcare, and environmental protection. Allocating significant funds to space projects would inevitably mean reducing investment in these critical areas. This would have real-life implications;for instance,underfunded educational systems could affect the future prospects of young people relying on student loans, and insufficient healthcare could endanger the lives of vulnerable populations.

In conclusion, although space exploration is an exciting endeavor, it should not be a priority for government funding, given the immediate needs and financial constraints faced by most nations.Therefore, it is prudent for governments to defer such ambitious projects until more urgent needs are met.





教授:We've been discussing the idea that human well-being is notnecessarily improved by ever-increasing production andconsumption of goods and services. Some people arguethat humans already consume too many goods, fromclothing to electronics to food: they believe that excessiveconsumption has created serious problems for humanity andeven the planet. Do you agree that excessive consumption-buying more than we truly need has become a seriousproblem? Why or why not?

Kelly:I absolutely agree. We buy far more than we need, andthat can't continue indefinitely. For years people haveused shopping as a form of recreation. The productsbought on a whim are filling up landfills, and the energyexpended producing the goods has created a globalwarming crisis. We should start gradually reducingconsumption.Andrew:I disagree with the idea that overconsumption is adramatic problem. l agree there is someoverconsumption, but it happens mostly with wealthypeople. l think in general almost everyone else alreadybuys only what they need. In fact, many people aroundthe world are not even able to obtain everything theyneed.


(1). 这道题重复了24年11月12日的原题。

(2)_“excessive consumption 是个严重的问题”。需要我们证明/回答的是否是“严重的问题”.

--如果同意,我们可以回答是:是严重的问题的. 因为导致了…的恶果.

--如果不同意,我们可以回答:不是严重的问题。没什么坏影响。Or 实际上产生了好的结果。

(3). “excessive consumption”: 过度/过量消费。

注意,这里并不是指购买正常生活所需要的衣食住行等消费。而是过量了,超出了正常的范畴。比如,双十一,或者美国“黑色星期五”的时候有很多人囤很多卫生纸巾,护肤品,零食,衣服,视频app的年卡等等… 这些超出自己目前需要的量,最后可能过期了还没用完的消费,才算是excessive consumption.当理解了excessive consumption 的核心含义,这个题目就好写了。(4). 可行的思路


(思路1)浪费了大量的资源。现在很多人会为了省钱discount, 一下子购买大量的产品。比如很多人在黑色星期五Black Friday 购买了一整年量的卫生纸,护肤品,洗发水等… 但是等到过期了还没用完。这不仅造成了物资的严重浪费,也多花了很多钱。比如我妈妈每年都会在black Friday 买很多日用品,每年在这一天的开支都达到了1000美元,导致我们家那个月只能吃三明治做午餐。但是几乎一大半都没有使用就被扔掉了。但是如果她在需要的时候才购买的话,至少可以少花一半。所以对于大部分普通消费者来说,带来了严重的浪费。

(思路2)浪费了大量的钱。现在很多人会乘着产品打折的时候,很冲动地购买一些自己根本不需要的产品因为觉得便宜。 比如为了旅行使用的大旅行箱,太阳镜。健身房的年卡。书籍… 但是实际上发现自己根本太忙没有时间去旅游。平时太累也只去过一两次的健身房。书也没翻开过… 这些不仅浪费了资源,也浪费了很多可以节省下来的钱。


1. 帮助人们省钱。因为大部分产品都只在几个特殊的日子打折销售,如果人们抓住这些机会购买多一些产品,就可以节省大量的生活成本。比如在美国black Friday,几乎所有的产品都打5 折。人们可以省很多钱。


👩🏻‍🏫:虽然这也是一个比较好想到的思路。但是, 建议大家在分析的时候,不要想得过于宏观。因为这样观点太大,对大家的逻辑思维和语言表达能力提升了很高的要求。


Excessive consumption often leads to significant problems, particularly waste.Discount salesare a prevalent tactic for retailers to increase sales.Sales events, like Black Friday in America, exemplify this issue.These sales, offering products at substantially reduced prices, entice customers tomake impulsive purchases. People oftenbuy in bulk,acquiring everything froma year's supply of necessities,such as tissues and oatmeal, to items that are ultimately unnecessary in their lives.

For instance,I recall purchasinga gym membership, only to realize that I lacked the time and energy to utilize it.This experience is not unique;many consumers find that at year's end, much of what they've bought is either expired or superfluous. Such excessive buying leads to not just physical waste, but also financial imprudence. The moneysquanderedon unneeded items could be more wisely spent on essentials or savings.

In conclusion,buying far more than necessary has detrimental effects, making it prudent tobudget expenditures carefully.(159字)







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