
本期 为大家推荐伯明翰大学、悉尼大学2025最新奖学金介绍。


Changing Behaviours: Empowering Community Engagement in Earth Heritage

University of Birmingham|School of History and Cultures

博导:Dr Faye Sayer, Dr K Edgar, Dr Richard Sayer

截止日期:March 05, 2025 周三


About the Project

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborative partner Jurassic Coast Trust to start in October 2025.https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub

This PhD project is based on supporting ethical and equitable Access to Earth Heritage, it will seek to co-develop innovative, localised, people-centred models for ethical and equitable access and sustainable development, aiming to safeguard Earth Heritage for local communities. The PhD research will examine how the application of behavioural science based and interdisciplinary approaches can help understand complex human behaviours at the Jurassic Coast, England’s s only natural world heritage site. Through utilising these methods and interdisciplinary collaboration the PhD will work with the Jurassic Coast team to understand and address the specific motivations, opportunities, and capabilities required for effective community engagement and develop an intervention framework to increase visitor diversity and community engagement at Earth Heritage sites.

The study will contribute to increasing our understanding of how individuals and groups are empowered to connect with, protect, and promote their local places, through understanding the barriers preventing some communities engaging with Earth Heritage. It is hope this will contribute to how heritage professionals address wider social injustices linked to heritage inaccessibility.

The PhD will be expected to spend time working alongside the Jurassic Coast Trust and will be embedded within Jurassic Coast engagement programme as a Jurassic Coast Ambassador, and will gain hands on experience of community engagement e.g. through events and other means and provide bespoke training in site management and conservation, stakeholder mapping, partnership working, Earth heritage interpretation. They will have access to Jurassic Coast networks, including Jurassic Coast partners and stakeholders, other UNESCO sites, and national organisations such as the UK National Commission for UNESCO.

We are looking for a highly talented and dedicated PhD student with a 1st class or 2:1 degree in the field of heritage, geography, geology, palaeontology. An MSc/MA degree in a relevant area is desirable though not necessary. Previous experience working with heritage places is desirable and an understanding of quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

To be considered for this PhD, please follow the instructions here.https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships

Application deadline: 5 March 2025

Informal enquiries about the project prior to application can be directed to Faye Sayer –f.a.sayer@bham.ac.uk

Funding notes:

Centre-UB studentships cover tuition fees, a maintenance stipend, support for research training, as well as research activity support grants. Due to funding stipulations set by UKRI, we are able to recruit up to 30% of international applicants to the cohort each year. You can find further detailshttps://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-ub/centre-ub-phd-studentships


ARC Postgraduate Research Scholarship

University of Sydney|PhD Opportunities

博导:Dr Science HDR

截止日期:June 06, 2025 周五


About the Project


The Faculty of Science Australian Research Council (ARC) Scholarship is designed to support research candidates in conducting research that directly contributes to the Australian community. This scholarship is designed to fund high quality students undertaking research aligned with the ARC funded research project. The project may relate to any field of ARC funded research in the Faculty of Science.

The scholarship may be co-funded by the Faculty of Science and external ARC research grants, or industry-funded projects such as but not limited to ARC Discovery Project (DP),ARC Fellowships (traditional and industry), ARC Linkage Project (LP), ARC Special Research Initiative (SRI) or occasionally, with approval from the Associate Dean (Research Education), may be fully funded by the Faculty of Science.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • have an unconditional offer of admission or being currently enrolled to study in a Masters by Research or PhD within the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney
  • conduct research related to the ARC projects for which you have applied
  • conduct research under the supervision of researchers who hold the ARC grant that funds the project for which you have applied
  • hold at least an Honours degree (First Class or Second Class Upper) or Masters degree or equivalent.

Please Note:An applicant without an unconditional offer of admission may apply and be selected, however, no scholarship offer will be sent until the applicant has an unconditional offer of admission.

Funding Notes

The Scholarship will provide a stipend allowance equivalent to the University of Sydney’s Research Training Program (RTP) stipend rate AUD $40,109 (indexed on 1 January each year) per annum, subject to satisfactory academic performance







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