




① 找到一个核心段落

② 挖框架(挖出逻辑词、重要短语、句型),其余内容省略号表示

③ 挖优秀内容(优秀词组搭配、排比举例、同义词并列等)

④ 积累主题相关词汇

⑤ 用积累好的内容,写一段同主题文章


Universities should, first of all, be learning communities where knowledge is not only disseminated but also advanced. As full-fledged members of this community, students should not be information recipients who learn the knowledge in a passive way. Instead, they should be challenged to achieve their potential and, indeed, to excel. Therefore, rather than focus merely on knowledge dissemination and transfer, universities should contrive to provide learning conditions that encourage students to remain curious, to value diversity in opinions and perspectives, and to think critically and communicate effectively. In this way, students can gain problem-solving experience and confidence.



Universities should, first of all, be learning ……should, first of all, be……where……is not only……but also……. As (full-fledged members of ……),……should not be……who……. Instead, they should……and, indeed, to…….Therefore, rather than……,……should (contrive to)……, to……, and to …….In this way, ……can…….


【not only desseminated but also advanced】

【information recipients】

【achieve sb's potential】

【knowledge dessemination and transfer】

【contrive to】

【opinions and perspectives】

【think critically and communicate effectively】


1. 建立高频主题词库:

根据近年高频考题,整理教育类(如critical thinking, interpersonal skills)、科技类(如digital literacy, AI ethics)、环境类(carbon footprint, sustainable development)等8大主题的核心术语

2. 收集万能学术表达:

衔接词库:while, whereas, given that, in light of the fact that...

论证动词:bolster, undermine, substantiate, negate

程度副词:profoundly, significantly, moderately

3. 制作同义替换表:

原词 → 升级表达

important → pivotal/crucial/indispensable

help → facilitate/bolster/catalyze

bad → detrimental/counterproductive

4. 主题联想记忆法:


▫️ 认知维度:

critical analysis, conceptual understanding

▫️ 技能维度:

problem-solving aptitude, collaborative competence

▫️ 情感维度:

emotional intelligence, cultural sensitivity


■ 分阶段练习法:

1. 框架填空训练(2天)



"Educational institutions ought to serve as __(比喻)__ where __(核心功能1)__ and __(核心功能2)__ coexist. Proponents of __(反方观点)__ often overlook the __(关键缺陷)__. In reality, __(学科知识)__ without __(软技能)__ is like __(类比)__."

2. 模块组合训练(3天)



教育类开头 + 科技类论证 + 职场类结论

3. 限时模拟考试(2天)


00:00-00:02 审题决策

00:02-00:05 框架调用

00:05-00:08 内容填充

00:08-00:10 润色检查

4. 智能反馈优化




■ 高分升级技巧:

1. 学术化表达公式:

基础句:Schools should teach communication skills.

升级句:Educational institutions ought to incorporate interpersonal competency development into curricular design.

2. 辩证论证模板:

"While proponents of __(反方)__ may argue that __(论点)__, this perspective fails to account for __(反驳点)__. A case in point is __(案例)__, which clearly demonstrates __(结论)__."

3. 数据模糊化技巧:

▫️ 研究结论:

Recent pedagogical studies indicate that...

▫️ 统计数据:

A substantial proportion of Fortune 500 CEOs...

▫️ 调查报告:

HR managers consistently report that...

通过完整五步训练,考生可系统掌握:框架复用(节省5分钟)+ 词汇调用(提升用词分)+ 快速论证(保障TR分数)的核心能力。建议每个主题完成3次迭代练习:首次用现成模板→第二次替换50%词汇→第三次自主重组框架,逐步实现从模仿到创造的过渡。



Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

In your response you should do the following.

· Express and support your opinion.

· Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Doctor Smith

This week, we'll examine issues in education reform. For example, some educators think that by focusing mainly on foundational knowledge in subjects like reading, math, and science, schools are not fully preparing students for success in the workplace. These educators argue that soft skills-nonacademic skills such as being empathetic or having a strong work ethic-should be part of the curriculum, with classroom time dedicated to developing these skills. Do you agree? Why or why not?


I agree. While students need a strong foundation in academic subjects, soft skills are important because they affect how well students do their work. If classroom time is set aside for these skills, students will take them seriously and their academic work will benefit. Teachers could design lessons so that students learn about a skill and then do role-playing activities with classmates.


Soft skills are important, but I don't agree with using classroom time to work on them. I'm not sure how teachers would measure students' progress in developing these skills. If students' progress can't be measured on something taught, I'm not sure if there's any point to teaching.

🔴 Step1.【审题】


🔴 Step2.【快速选择论点】

(软技能对学生个人发展重要:secure a good job/ be more socialble and interact with others smoothly)


✅对比来看,第一点能说的东西更多,遂选择teach soft skills on class

🔴 Step3.【把框架放进来】

……should, first of all, be……where……is not only……but also……. As (full-fledged members of ……),……should not be……who……. Instead, they should……and, indeed, to…….Therefore, rather than……,……should (contrive to)……, to……, and to …….In this way, ……can…….

🔴 Step4.【根据主题补充内容】

Universities should, first of all, be comprenhensive communities where students are not only knowledge leaners, but also well-rounded human beings. As full-fledged members of our society, students should not be just work recipients who can only implement intructions with out their own independent thinking. Instead, they should be capable of making plans and, indeed, regulating the healthy and sustainable development progress for our society or community as a whole. Therefore, rather than simply foster knowledge dessemination of academic subjects, professors should contrive to assist students in developing the ability to show empathy towards social affairs, and to grow essential work ethic. In this way, they can better excel at more influential professions and ultimately achieve their full potential in our society.







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