11月24日托福考情 口语整套重复旧题!难度适中








1. Money in the European Middle Ages

The money of the European Middle Ages (roughly 450-1450 c.e.) was in many ways profoundly different from what we think of as money today. A cash transaction alwaysinvolved a precious metal, usually silver, although goldcoinage was introduced in the course of the thirteenth Wcentury. In this sense, the use of cash was also a form of

barter (trade of one good for another). The distinctivefeature of the precious metal was that a small quantitywas enormously valuable--a single ounce was worth aweek's wages for even a skilled worker--and its valuewas relatively stable, in contrast with that ofagricultural goods, which were subject to spoilage, or ofmanufactured goods, which varied in quality. The actualvalue of the coin depended on its precious metal content,which in turn reflected the coin's physical size, and thepurity of the precious metal, since it was always alloyed(mixed) to some degree with a cheaper metal. Minted coin-coin manufactured in official facilities called mints-provided a relatively stable medium of exchange byproviding standardized quantities and purity of silver,backed by the reputation of the issuing authority whose name and symbol were imprinted on the coin. Theimprinted image also helped verify whether the coin hadbeen tampered with by removing metal from any of itssurfaces.

Whereas modern money is almost invariably issued only bynational governments, the right to coin money in theMiddle Ages was widely dispersed. In France, there weretwo major royal coinages, the denier of Paris and the denierof Tours, in addition to a dozen or so important regionalcoinages, and a multitude of local mints under the authorityof minor lords. Only in England was the monarchysuccessful in establishing an exclusive right to mint coin,and from the thirteenth century onward it had a uniquereputation for the quality of its coinage. Whereas todayforeign exchange is only a matter for international travelers,in the Middle Ages even a homebody might encounter arange of different moneys and would need to know theirrelative values.Then as now, exchange rates were not stable. Today, thevalue of a currency represents a complex market reactionto economic circumstances in the country that issues themoney. In the Middle Ages, fluctuation was in a largemeasure a result of changes in the coinage itself. From timeto time, rulers succumbed to the temptation to debasetheir coinage. By melting down old coins and reissuing


2. Origin of Comets

Comets-small bodies of ice and dust that orbit the Sun-are perishable objects. A comet that passes by the Sunmany times will eventually lose all of its ice due to the heatand become a small rock. Other comets are lost becausethey literally fall into the Sun. The SOHO and STEREOspacecraft (which monitor the Sun) have revealed images ofdozens per year falling into the Sun. Since there continue tobe comets 4.5 billion years after the solar system formed,there must be a huge source of comets somewhere farfrom the Sun.

Based on the portion of comets' orbits that can beobserved, astronomers can calculate their starting point.The majority of comets follow orbits that indicate theiroutermost distance from the Sun is more than 50,000 AU(one AU, or astronomical unit, equals about 150 millionkilometers). At the same time, only a few appear to havespeeds that would carry them completely beyond the Sun'sgravitational influence into the vicinity of a neighboring star,so the comet reservoir must be in a very distant part of thesolar system. Comets enter the inner solar system from alldirections without any clear preference, so this great swarmof comets must be roughly spherical.


Astronomers suspect that the gravitational influence ofstars neighboring the solar system may alter the orbits ofbodies in the Oort cloud occasionally, causing some to dropin toward the inner solar system. A single disturbance mayshift enough orbits to supply comets to the inner solarsystem for tens of thousands of years. The discovery ofmassive objects such as the dwarf planet Sedna suggeststhat comets may also be disturbed by dwarf planets thatorbit in the Oort cloud. Comets from the Oort cloud maytake millions of years to complete an orbit and aretherefore known as long-period comets. With orbits so farfrom the Sun, these icy bodies receive virtually no solarheating, and calculations indicate that their temperaturewhen so far from the Sun is a mere -270°C. Thus, theirgases and ices remain deeply frozen.



1. Tree temperature




Roman portraits, including statuary and masks, survive insignificant numbers only from about the last century of therepublican period--that is, from the late secondcentury B..E. onward--but they seem to have had a longhistory before then. Ancient authors help us reconstructsome of that history, but these sources are not necessarilyvery reliable. Scholars disagree about how much to believethem, and sometimes the scholars risk misreading theancient authors in their effort to find support for their owntheories.

For example, writers such as the first century c.E. Romanofficer and encyclopedist Pliny the Elder suggest thatstatues in honor of important people like the hero Horatiuswere set up in the city of Rome as early as the sixthcentury s.c.E. This is not impossible, but nothing quite likethis is attested at such an early date in Greece--whichserved as the model for Roman culture and Pliny isperhaps deceived because he assumes that statues createdmuch later in time were created during the lifetimes of theirsubjects. It is certainly likely that later authors are correctwhen they refer to the frequent use of such monuments inRome from the fourth century s.c. e. onward, though there is…



1. 地球有机物起源



2. The Industrial Revolution in Britain英国工业革命(水路和铁)

讲述了英国的工业革命。工业革命是 1750 至 1850 年这一世纪期间,欧洲因矿物能源应用和技术创新带来的长期经济增长和变革,而英国因自然优势和适合经济发展的基础设施率先实现工业化。英国的优势首先是水资源,其海洋优势使其无需大规模常备陆军,而着重发展海军,保护贸易和利益。其在亚洲贸易中的地位使其成为棉花、陶瓷和茶叶的主要进口国,殖民地也提供了原料和市场。此外,内部水系连接内陆社区,水运成本远低于陆运,18 世纪 60 年代起私人开始投资建运河。煤炭是英国的第二大优势。18 世纪木材储备几近耗尽,煤炭已使用几个世纪,储量丰富且易运输。随着运输改善,更多内陆煤炭用于国内,且在工业中的用途更大,大型煤矿与铁矿相邻,最终发挥了资源、燃料和运输集中的优势。英国早期工业化不仅有自然优势,还因多年来发展了促进经济进步的基础设施,商人的能力以及海外市场对工业化成功至关重要,英国贸易公司灵活转变出口商品。


C 1

校园生活 一个女生和室友往宿舍里面搬运他们的一个东西,结果把墙蹭了。宿管说以后他们要搬运重物的时候提前跟他说,为了避免学生受伤。但是好消息是他们不用赔钱,因为马上就要重新粉刷宿舍了,所以把墙刮擦了也没什么关系。


biology 撒哈拉沙漠动物储水


C 2

师生讨论 学生与一位英语文学教授讨论了即将开设的《贝奥武夫》与托尔金的《指环王》课程。教授表示这是他首次教授此课程,内容包括阅读《指环王》三部曲和托尔金的《贝奥武夫》翻译,探讨两者的关联。学生读过《指环王》,但对《贝奥武夫》知之甚少,只了解它是关于英雄贝奥武夫的古英语诗歌。教授称托尔金为古英语专家,受《贝奥武夫》影响甚深,并进行过翻译。尽管翻译缺少原诗的韵律感,却适合该课程。学生不必阅读古英语原文,使其感到轻松。教授还提到课程受欢迎,人数限制在15人,需选备选课如《古英语阅读》。学生打算尽早注册,但教授提醒注册不按提交顺序处理。

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Archaeology考古学 教授讲述如何通过文物和建筑推测古代社区的文化价值与日常生活。他详细讲解了考古中的“情境”概念,即文物和建筑的相对位置为研究的依据。以古希腊岛屿阿基特里为例,公元前1600年代的火山喷发覆盖了该社区,却意外保存了大量物品。特别是西屋建筑,包含多个房间和大窗户,第一层为存储室,第二层为起居空间,墙上的壁画描绘年轻人捧鱼场景。教授指出,早先的宗教祭典解释过于简单,织布机重物暗示西屋可能为一位富有的布商住宅,并与海上交易有关。餐厅可能用于接待客户,大窗户则提供天然光线以便织布作业。该发现表明考古研究需从更广泛角度理解建筑与物品的功能。

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Musical appreciation音机构赏 讲即兴和大脑皮层的研究,还提到一个关于键盘的实验。


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人类学 人类从游牧到定居生活的转变及其带来的影响。教授首先介绍了新石器革命,这一时期人类开始发展农业和畜牧业,从而转向定居生活。定居生活的优点在于食物供给稳定,且产生了劳动分工,推动了文明的形成。然而,定居也带来了缺点。研究显示,定居者饮食单一,营养较差,导致健康状况下降,身高降低,且疾病和牙齿问题增加。此外,定居生活环境拥挤,卫生条件差,容易导致疾病传播。相比之下,游牧者饮食更丰富、健康状况更佳,且工作时间较少,有更多时间用于社交和休息。尽管如此,定居生活提供了安全保障,定居者骨折率较低,显示其生活更为稳定和安全。

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Theropods 是不是鸟类翅膀的祖先

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TASK 1独立口语题

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior. Use details and examples to support your opinion.

TASK 2校园题

Suggestion for Introductory Science Courses

In most introductory-level science courses, the only reading students are required to do comes from a textbook. However, I think students taking introductory science courses should also be required to read recent articles from academic research journals. Reading journal articles would benefit introductory science students by making them familiar with some of the newest and most up-to-date research in their field, something that textbooks don't always have. Also, the professors of these introductory courses could teach students how to locate journal articles and other online academic resources in class, which would provide students with useful skills for when they eventually take more advanced courses.


Martina Johnson

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the proposal described in the student's letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state his opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


一是选不上课就需要在wait list上


TASK 3学术讲座题

Indirect Mimicry

Over time, animal species have developed many different ways to protect themselves from predators. Some animals use indirect rather than direct means to do this--for example, an animal might create an object that looks like it to attract the attention of potential predators. This defensive strategy is known as indirect mimicry. Animals that use this strategy take material from the surrounding environment and use it to create copies of themselves. As a result, predators that see the mimicked or copied object--the imitation of the real animal-may become confused and attack the imitation instead of the animal. This gives the real animal an opportunity to escape.

听力举了spider collect leaves的例子,蜘蛛模仿环境把和自己相似的树叶放在织网上,这样鸟类先去攻击错误目标给它机会逃跑

TASK 4 学术讲座题



例子是新西兰土著人在古代修一些big steps







1. 刺激经济,会给城市带来收益。游客增加可以增加资金流入,可以为当地宾馆的一些工作人员提高工资,门票钱也是一笔资金流入;

2. 提高城市的reputation来吸引更多游客。对当地产生positive publicity,也是给当地做广告;

3. 可以促进当地投资一些infrastructure的建造,新建的运动设施/场地,在运动会结束后可以benefit people。


1. 城市未必能从赛事游客那里获得额外收入。举办赛事的大城市平时就有很多游客和商务人士,赛事游客只是取代了因订不到酒店而无法前来的普通游客;并且活动结束后的收益多归外地来的活动组织者;

2. 指望赛事带来好的宣传有risk。举例,美国一城市举办super bowl比赛时遇到了snowstorm,城市应对不力,游客陷入麻烦,给出了负面评价,给城市带来了negative effect;

3. 居民不一定可以享受新的体育设施。举例,比如某城市为世界杯建的新体育场,赛后当地球队想用。但吸引观众少,票价低,收入甚至不够cover电费,最终取消计划,体育场闲置。







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