10月16日托福考情 AI的风终究是吹到了托福上






1. 在19世纪末,美国影坛全是无声的默片。但是到了年底,电影制作公司纷纷转型制作有声电影。面对激烈的市场竞争,电影公司决定停止所有影片的开发,并对员工及设备进行必要的培训和升级,以迎合有声电影的新趋势。随着需要同步录制声音,电影制作流程经历了彻底变革,特别是声音与画面的同步问题要求了更多的管理与沟通工作。因此,制片人开始拥有更大的决策权。演员薪酬不一,以及各制作公司对演员参与训练的不同要求,导致了制片方与演员之间的摩擦,促进了演员工会的成立。工会的建立旨在协助行业内人士争取更公平的权益,同时促进了其他行业工会的形成。












C 1



L1 是关于希腊神庙的修复,有个人为了好看用了很多不恰当的材料,对神庙造成了毁坏,后人现在在重新修复,尽量使用古人的材料

L 2

L2 是关于太阳能材料的,传统的硅晶比较好,但是贵,现在大家用新材料,便宜,但是吸热又差,然后改进

C 2

C1 theater writing。表现主义戏剧的背景

L 3

L1生物。coloration adaptation作为一种secondary adaptation是如何发挥作用的,L2 天文。Mars和Jupitor之间的行星带及其最大的成员VestaC2 在学校运动馆存东西但是被清了。学生注册的储物柜到期之后东西被清理了,但是学生在忙学业所以未能关注到这个消息。好在东西没有丢失,而是被妥善放在储藏室,学生需要填写表格并支付10美元即可取回物品。L3人类学。介绍了四种人类社会的分类:hunting and gathering (狩猎采集)hortiagriculture(园艺), intensive agriculture(集约农业)和畜牧

L 4

C1 宿舍相关L1 Marketing。提到了“艺术注入”概念,以及比较了梵高的画与一张摄影作品。L2 建筑学。建筑在不同时期有不同的看法。主要讲“模块化建筑”(类似于预制菜)的利弊,还提及了欧洲的cube restaurant,可移动和快速拆卸组装,非常便利。C2 学生想提前presentation,并讨论了内容,主要是giant rabbitL3 讲船。gas bubble可以减少阻力。


TASK 1独立口语题

Some students like to review their notes regularly on a daily basis, while others like to review their notes just before the test. Which do you prefer?

TASK 2校园题

A student proposed to the school to set up a third-year project. The student believes that such a project can help them establish their career earlier and save money.

The man in the listening part disagrees.

Firstly, many excellent professors only teach in spring or autumn semesters and do not offer courses in summer.

Secondly, students still need to complete the same number of courses to graduate. Therefore, the tuition fee will not change. On the contrary, it may not save expenses because they need to pay the additional cost of the summer project.

TASK 3学术讲座题

User Generated Content (UGC) refers to various contents created and uploaded by users spontaneously on the Internet, such as texts, pictures, videos, etc.

Listening:Asports shoe company innovates marketing strategies. The company encourages customers to make their own videos to show the excellent characteristics of the company's shoe models and use them for publicity. Subsequently, these videos made by users are selected by the company as materials for TV advertisements. Among all the submitted videos, the company especially selected a video shot by a seemingly ordinary girl as the main advertisement because this video is very realistic. This strategy has been proven extremely successful. The sincerity and affinity of the video have attracted many customers, thus achieving a significant increase in the sales of the company's sports shoes.

TASK 4 学术讲座题

Lecture topic: Two benefits of marine animals stopping reproduction early.

1.Reduce competition pressure.

2. Experienced female marine animals who do not participate in reproduction can assist in teaching the younger generation. Example: Killer whales, also known as orcas, show a special social behavior. In these groups of mammals, some females will stop giving birth after reaching a certain age stage. This behavior reduces their competition pressure for food and resources. And these experienced female killer whales will then pass on their knowledge to the younger generation and teach them how to hunt and survive, which enhances the adaptability and survival rate of the entire population.




The British Library owns a fourteenth-century handwritten book containing four poems considered to be among the finest of the English Middle Ages. The unknown author is referred to as the Pearl Poet after the title of one of the poems in the manuscript. Several theories have been put forward about the Pearl Poet’s identity.

John Massey

One theory suggests that the Pearl Poet was John Massey. John was known to have lived in northwest England, where the poems of the Pearl manuscript were produced. Moreover, the surviving manuscript of John’s poem, “Saint Erkenwald,” is in the same handwriting as the British Library’s manuscript of the poems of the Pearl Poet. These facts make a good argument that the Pearl Poet was John Massey.


According to a second theory, the fourteenth-century poet known as little Hugh authored the poems. Historical records indicate that Hugh wrote a poem called “The Adventure of Gawain,” which some have hypothesized is the same as one of the four Pearl Poet poems, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” The poems of the Pearl Poet make extensive use of alliteration – pairs of adjacent words that begin with the same consonant sound (for example, large lake) – and it is known that Hugh wrote alliterative verse. The shared subject matter and use of alliteration support the identity of Hugh as the Pearl Poet.

No single author

A third theory argues that the four poems in the manuscript were in fact written by several authors rather than a single one. The only thing all the poems have in common is that they mention places in the same region of England. So perhaps the manuscript represents a collection of poems by several authors from the same region.


Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

While the suggestions for the Pearl Poet's identity may sound plausible, once we consider all the facts, they are not convincing.

First, John Massey. It's true the manuscript of John Massey's poem, St. Irkenwald, and the manuscript of the Pearl Poet are in the same handwriting. But this does not mean that their author was the same person. In the 14th century, books were reproduced by copying. And so, most handwritten books from that period are, in fact, not the original documents written by their authors, but copies made by professional copyists. So all that the handwriting similarity means is that John's poem and the Pearl Poet poems were copied by the same person.

Second, it's true that Hugh and the Pearl poet both used alliteration and wrote a poem about a character called Gawain. But, despite this connection, they were probably not the same person, since their poems were written in different dialects of English. At the time, people from different regions of England used quite different varieties, or dialects, of English. All of Hugh's surviving poems are in the regional dialect spoken in Yorkshire. But the pearl poet wrote in a very different dialect of English from a different region of England, so Hugh was probably not the writer of the pearl poet poems.

Finally, there probably was a single pearl poet. The similarity among the poems goes beyond mentioning the same places. The poems of the Pearl Manuscript also share the same vocabulary. There are some very uncommon words that appear in two or more of the poems. Some of these words appear in no other works of literature. It's very unlikely that several different writers would have used the same unique words. The shared vocabulary is a strong indication that all four poems were written by a single author.

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific theories presented in the reading passage.


Doctor Achebe: In this unit, we will be learning about effective strategies for increasing student motivation. Let's begin by discussing one common concern shared by many high school teachers: some of their students typically aged 14 to 18, seem to be bored or uninterested in learning. In your view, what strategy should teachers use to increase high school students' interest in learning? Please explain why you think this one particular strategy will be effective.

Claire: I believe teachers should incorporate more group work activities into their lessons. While completing tasks in groups or teams, students will have an opportunity to share their opinions and learn from their peers. Having a sense of belonging is important to teenagers, so being part of a team will likely make them more interested in learning.

Kelly: In my opinion, teachers should explain how the lessons they teach in the classroom have a connection to events in the world outside high school. Students will likely become more interested in learning once they understand that the lessons can help them be better prepared for future university studies and work.



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