


PhD studentship in operando study of catalytic systems with synchrotron X-rays

University College London| Department of Chemical Engineering

博导:Dr R Wang

截止日期:December 07, 2024 周六


About the Project

Vacancy information

The UCL Chemical engineering Department is offering a fully funded studentship to a highly motivated candidate to start in 01/10/2025 or any time afterwards. The PhD studentship is for 4 years. The student is expected to perform operando X-ray spectroscopy in catalytic systems for NH3 synthesis and CO2 hydrogenations.

Studentship description

This research aims to probe the key intermediates during the N2 hydrogenation to NH3 and CO2 hydrogenation to hydrocarbons, such as the formation of the metal-N/C bond, the weakening of N=N and C=O bonds. The key performance indicators, such as the d band structure of the metals, the oxygen/nitrogen vacancies and the metal-O bond energy will also be studied under reaction condition. The techniques applies are X-ray absorption/emission spectroscopy and resonate inelastic X-ray scattering at multiple time and length scale. A combination of those three techniques will help elucidate the active site of the catalysts in hydrogenation reactions and help developed more efficient catalysts in these two reactions.

Person specification

The student should have good understanding in inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, materials, and is good at programming. Previous experience in XRD or XPS measurements is desired.


The applicants should have, or be expecting to achieve, a first or upper second-class Honours degree or equivalent in the subjects Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials or Physics.

How to apply

The post is fully funded (stipend and UK fees) for 4 years.Overseas students may apply, provided they can independently cover the difference between UK and overseas tuition fees.

Applications should be submitted through:https://evision.ucl.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app&code1=RRDCENSING01&code2=0037

Please nominate Prof. Ryan Wang as supervisor and include a statement of interest.

For informal enquiries please contact Prof. Ryan Wang atryan.wang@ucl.ac.uk.

For further information on the MPhil/PhD course as well as the recruitment and selection process, please click on the link below:



Zero-carbon polymers: Can functional materials be green and affordable?

University of Sydney |School of Chemistry

博导:Dr Haihui Joy Jiang

截止日期:November 24, 2024 周天


About the Project

Most everyday polymers, either natural or synthetic, are carbon-based materials. Combustion of carbon-based polymers emits CO2into the atmosphere, accelerating climate change. Our group explores sustainable inorganic polymers that can be easily produced and fully recycled without waste. Depending on cation-anion combinations of monomers used for reaction, these zero-carbon polymer products have tunable properties. Functional zero-carbon polymers can be used for a wide range of applications, including thermal insulating materials, anti-fire coatings, high temperature adhesives, slow-release fertilizers for agricultural use, formulating nanostructured liquids to support molecular self-assembly, and forming poly-ionic coacervates that act as nanoreactors for chemical synthesis and heavy metal extraction.

About this opportunity:

Interested in starting a PhD in early-mid 2025 and completing the program in 3.5 years? We are looking for curious, energetic, and self-motivated candidates, whom are passionate about solving interdisciplinary problems.


  • a major in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering (or related fields)
  • a 4-year undergraduate degree (awarded First Class Honours), or a Master’s Degree by research (completing by early-mid 2025)
  • prior research experience (with at least 1 publication)
  • excellent communication skills in English (e.g., either English native speaker or with IELTS >6.5 across all sections; or TOFEL >88 overall, with >22 across all section)
  • an overall GPA of above 3.3/4.0 (or >83/100 or top 15% in your class)
  • graduating from one of the top 200 universities worldwide, preferably top 100 worldwide (or highly ranked in your country)

The University of Sydney is ranked in the top 20 universities in the world.

Research scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis, with exempted Tuition and $40k/yr stipend (tax free). Conference presentations and overseas collaborative opportunities (e.g., with Harvard University) are possible, depending on project and research performance.

How to apply:

Please email Dr. Haihui Joy Jiang (joy.jiang@sydney.edu.au) with the following info:

  • CV (including peer-reviewed publications, if applicable)
  • Academic transcripts
  • an email introduction or a short (1-page) cover letter

Note that international (non-Australian) candidates should submit their applications >8 months in advance. Australian (domestic) candidates are encouraged to apply >3 months in advance.

More info about the Jiang Research Group:www.hjj-group.com


  • Please make sure that you meet all requirements specified above, before emailing me.
  • If you don't hear back >3 weeks after applying, that means you did not pass initial screening



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