



1491—1607Period 1

概 述Overview


关 键 概 念 1.1Key Concept

随着时间的推移,原住民在广袤的北美地区迁移和定居,他们适应和改造不同的环境,逐渐发展出了独特而又日益复杂的社会。As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.

关 键 概 念 1.2Key Concept

欧洲人、美洲原住民和非洲人之间的接触,促成了哥伦布的探险,为大西洋两岸带来了社会、文化和政治上的巨大变化。Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.


时 间 轴Time Line

1491 克里斯托弗·哥伦布为西班牙争夺伊斯帕尼奥拉岛和古巴岛Christopher Columbus claims the islands ofHispaniola and Cuba for Spain

1512 西班牙建立了封地制度 Spain establishes the encomienda system

1519 埃尔南·科尔特斯入侵墨西哥Hernan Cortes invades Mexico.

1525 第一批来自非洲的黑奴抵达美洲The first ship of slaves from Africa arrives in theAmericas.

关 键 词Key Terms

01Maize 玉米 美国印第安人种植的主要作物

02Christopher Columbus哥伦布 克里斯托弗·哥伦布:意大利探险家,在说服西班牙君主后,他意图横跨大西洋航行到印度,却偶然发现了新大陆

03“God, Gold, Glory”“上帝、黄金、荣耀” 早期欧洲探险家的动机是希望传播基督教,让自己和君主得以致富,并因发现新的土地而获得荣耀

04Encomienda System 委托监护制 西班牙人制定的强迫劳动制度,要求美洲印第安人在种植园生活并皈依基督教

02第二阶段 1607-1754Period 2

概 述Overview 这一时期占推荐教学内容的10%,重点讲述从1607年詹姆士敦殖民地建立,到法印战争开始之间这段时间美洲的生活情况。


关 键 概 念 2.1Key Concept

受不同的帝国目标、文化和他们定居的不同北美环境的影响,欧洲人发展出了不同的殖民和移民模式,还与美国印第安人相互竞争、抢夺资源。Europeans developed a variety of colonization andmigration patterns, influenced by different imperialgoals, cultures, and the varied North Americanenvironments where they settled. They also competedwith each other and American Indians for resources.

关 键 概 念 2.2Key Concept

英国的殖民区域参与了与英国的政治、社会、文化和经济交流。这既促进了他们与英国更紧密的联系,也鼓励了被殖民者抵抗英国的控制。The British colonies participated in political, social,cultural, and economic exchanges with Great Britainthat encouraged both stronger bonds with Britain andresistance to Britain’s control.

时 间 轴Time Line

1607 新大陆的第一个英国殖民地在詹姆士敦建立The first English colony in the New World isfounded at Jamestown.

1620 朝圣者在普利茅斯殖民地定居之前签署了《五月花号契约》 The Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact beforesettling at Plymouth Colony.

1637 安妮·哈钦森(Anne Hutchinson,1591-1643 年)因组织妇女宗教会议而被驱逐出马萨诸塞州Anne Hutchinson (1591–1643) is banished fromMassachusetts for organizing religious meetingsfor women.

1675 新英格兰殖民者与万帕诺亚格人的领袖进行了一场残酷的消耗战,这场战争后来被称为“菲利普国王的战争”New England colonists engage in a brutal war of attrition with the leader of the Wampanoag that came to be known as “King Philip’s War.”

1692 在塞勒姆女巫审判中,十八名男女被判犯有巫术罪Eighteen men and women are found guilty of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials.

1774 第一次大觉醒,始于乔纳森·爱德华 (Jonathan Edward)火热的布道The First Great Awakening begins with JonathanEdward’s fiery sermons.

关 键 词Key Terms

01Mercantilism 重商主义 通过政府控制贸易的各个方面,来增加财富的一种经济体系

02Cash crops经济作物 可以大量种植、收割和销售来获取利润的作物

03First Great Awakening 第一次大觉醒 一场提倡情绪化的福音派新教的宗教运动,通过 "火焰和硫磺 "布道来进行宣传

03第三阶段 1754-1800Period 3

概 述Overview



关 键 概 念 3.1Key Concept

英国试图对其北美殖民地实行更严格的控制。殖民地追求自治的决心带来了殖民地独立运动和革命战争的爆发。British attempts to assert tighter control over its North American colonies and the colonial resolve to pursue self-government led to a colonial independence movement and the Revolutionary War.

关 键 概 念 3.2Key Concept

美国革命的民主和共和理想激发了政府对不同政治模式的新实验。The American Revolution’s democratic and republican ideals inspired new experiments with different forms of government.

关 键 概 念 3.3Key Concept

北美内部的移民以及对资源、边界和贸易的竞争加剧了人民和国家之间的冲突。Migration within North America and competition over resources, boundaries, and trade intensified conflicts among peoples and nations.

时 间 轴Time Line

1763 1763年公告命令殖民者停止向阿巴拉契亚山脉以西继续迁移

The Proclamation of 1763 ordered colonists to stop migrating west of the Appalachian Mountains.

1768 英国军队抵达波士顿

British troops arrive in Boston.

1775 美国独立战争的第一场战役在列克星敦和康科德打响

First battles of the American Revolution take place at Lexington and Concord.

1776 美国国会发布《独立宣言》宣布脱离英国独立

Congress declared independence from Britain with the Declaration of Independence.

1780 《邦联条例》通过

Articles of Confederation were adopted.

1781 英国在约克镇宣布投降 The British surrender at Yorktown.

1791 《权利法案》通过

The Bill of Rights was adopted.

关 键 词Key Terms

01French and Indian War法印战争


02Articles of Confederation联邦条款


03U.S. Constitution美国宪法


04Federalist Papers 联邦党人文集

Alexander Hamilton、John Jay 和 James Madison 撰写的一系列文章,主张建立强大的联邦政府

05Bill of Rights权利法案


04第四阶段 1800-1848Period 4

概 述Overview

本节重点讲述从 1800 年大选到 1848 年美墨战争结束的时间段,这是一个逐渐变化的时期,为未来的发展奠定了基础。

关 键 概 念 4.1Key Concept

现代民主的思想开始在美国发展,美国人开始定义国家的民主理想,并尝试对社会制度进行改变,以匹配其理想。The United States began to develop a modern democracy and celebrated a new national culture, while Americans sought to define the nation’s democratic ideals and change their society and institutions to match them.

关 键 概 念 4.2Key Concept

技术、农业和商业方面的创新有力地加速了美国经济的发展,促使美国社会以及国家和地区的身份发生了深刻的变化。Innovations in technology, agriculture, and commerce powerfully accelerated the American economy, precipitating profound changes to U.S. society and to national and regional identities.

关 键 概 念 4.3Key Concept

美国增加对外贸易并扩大国界的外交政策,刺激了政府和私人的部分举措。The U.S. interest in increasing foreign trade and expanding its national borders shaped the nation’s foreign policy and spurred government and private initiatives.

时 间 轴Time Line

1803 联邦政府最终决定购买路易斯安那州

The federal government finalizes the Louisiana Purchase.

1807 国会投票决定结束国际奴隶贸易

Congress votes to end the international slave trade.

1812 美国对英国宣战

The U.S. declares war against Britain.

1820 密苏里妥协案:第一个试图平衡奴隶州和自由州的联邦妥协案

The Missouri Compromise was the first federal compromise to try to balance slave and free states.

1823 詹姆斯·门罗总统在门罗主义中宣布西半球从此拒绝欧洲殖民

President James Monroe declared the Western Hemisphere closed to European colonization in The Monroe Doctrine.

1830 安德鲁·杰克逊签署了《印第安人迁移法案》,将美国印第安人迁移到密西西比河以西 Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act to relocate American Indians west of the Mississippi River.


关 键 词Key Terms

01Judicial Review司法复核


02Second Great Awakening第二次大觉醒


03American System美国体系

亨利·克莱(Henry Clay)提出的一项计划,旨在通过关税,国家银行和基础设施的结合来加强美国经济

04Louisiana Territory路易斯安那领地


05第五阶段 1844-1877Period 5

概 述Overview 占推荐教学内容的13%,侧重于战前时期、内战和战后重建带来的社会和政治影响。

关 键 概 念 5.1Key Concept

美国与世界的联系更加紧密,在西半球奉行扩张主义的外交政策,成为了其他许多国家移民的目的地。The United States became more connected with the world, pursued an expansionist foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere, and emerged as the destination for many migrants from other countries.

关 键 概 念 5.2Key Concept

由于地区分歧的扩大和加深,关于奴隶制和其他经济、文化和政治问题的辩论加剧,国家陷入内战。Intensified by expansion and deepening regional divisions, debates over slavery and other economic, cultural, and political issues led the nation into civil war.

关 键 概 念 5.3Key Concept

经过联邦在内战中的胜利以及南方备受争议的重建,奴隶制和分裂问题得到了解决,但许多关于联邦政府权力和公民权利的问题遗留了下来。The Union victory in the Civil War and the contested reconstruction of the South settled the issues of slavery and secession, but left unresolved many questions about the power of the federal government and citizenship rights.

时 间 轴Time Line

1850 1850年妥协案允许加利福尼亚加入联邦,妥协案的一部分强制北方人遵守《逃亡奴隶法》 The Compromise of 1850 admitted California to the Union. Part of this compromise imposed the Fugitive Slave Law on northerners.

1852 哈里特·比彻·斯托(Harriet Beecher Stowe)出版了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

1857 德雷德·斯科特(Dred Scott)裁决判定:奴隶不被视为公民,无权在联邦法院提起诉讼 The Dred Scott decision ruled that slaves were not considered citizens and did not have the right to sue in federal courts.

1860 林肯总统发布了《解放奴隶宣言》,宣布解放目前反叛联邦的各州奴隶

President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves in the states currently in rebellion against the Union.

1867 通过1867年的重建法案,国会获得了对南方更大的控制权

Congress gained greater control over the South through the Reconstruction Acts of 1867.

1877 1877年的妥协协议将联邦军队从南方撤出,换取选举一位民主党领导人进入内阁的资格 The Compromise of 1877 withdrew federal troops from the South in exchange for electing a Democratic leader to the president’s Cabinet.

关 键 词Key Terms



02Manifest Destiny昭示天命


03Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯




06第六阶段 1865-1889Period 6

概 述Overview

这一时期占推荐教学内容的13%,涵盖从内战结束到 1898 年美西战争的时间段,侧重于战后美国的问题,这些问题在第五阶段的内战和重建讨论中没有涉及。

关 键 概 念 6.1Key Concept

这一时期的技术进步、大规模生产方法、和新市场的开放,鼓励了美国工业资本主义的兴起。Technological advances, large-scale production methods, and the opening of new markets encouraged the rise of industrial capitalism in the United States.

关 键 概 念 6.2Key Concept

伴随工业化而来的移民改变了美国城市和农村的生活,并引起了巨大的社会和文化变革。The migrations that accompanied industrialization transformed both urban and rural areas of the United States and caused dramatic social and cultural change.

关 键 概 念 6.3Key Concept

在镀金时代,新的文化和知识运动、公共改革、以及关于经济和社会政策的政治辩论产生了。The Gilded Age produced new cultural and intellectual movements, public reform efforts, and political debates over economic and social policies.

时 间 轴Time Line

1867 美国国务卿威廉·苏厄德进行协商,从俄罗斯处购买了阿拉斯加 Secretary of State William Seward arranges for the United States to purchase Alaska from the Russians.

1869 横贯美国大陆的铁路建成 Transcontinental railroad completed.

1876 小比格霍恩之战,卡斯特将军及200多名士兵在这场战争中阵亡

The Battle of Little Bighorn. General Custer and more than 200 of his soldiers die.

1882 联邦政府颁布了《排华法案》 The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was formed to organize skilled workers.

1886 为将技术工人组织起来,美国劳工联合会(AFL)成立 The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was formed to organize skilled workers.

关 键 词Key Terms

01Second Industrial Revolution 第二次工业革命


02Robber Barons强盗男爵


03The Gilded Age镀金时代


07第七阶段 1890-1945Period 7

概 述Overview


关 键 概 念 7.1Key Concept

美国的发展为社会带来了更多机会,而经济的不稳定性亟需美国为改革经济体系做出新努力。Growth expanded opportunity, while economic instability led to new efforts to reform U.S. society and its economic system.

关 键 概 念 7.2Key Concept

通信和技术的创新促进了大众文化的发展,国内和国际的移徙模式也发生了重大变化。Innovations in communications and technology contributed to the growth of mass culture, while significant changes occurred in internal and international migration patterns.

关 键 概 念 7.3Key Concept

在一系列全球冲突中的参与让美国逐渐靠近国际大国的地位,也在美国国内重新引发了关于国家在世界上适当角色的辩论。Participation in a series of global conflicts propelled the United States into a position of international power while renewing domestic debates over the nation’s proper role in the world.

时 间 轴Time Line

1898 美国吞并菲律宾、波多黎各和关岛

The United States annexes the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

1917 美国加入第一次世界大战

The United States enters World War I.



The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, extending suffrage to women.1929 美国股市在五天内大幅崩盘

The U.S. stock market crashed dramatically over a period of five days.

1692 罗斯福总统签署了《社会保障法》

President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act.

1941 日本飞机袭击了美国海军基地珍珠港

Japanese planes attacked American naval bases at Pearl Harbor.

1942 罗斯福总统签署行政命令#9066,将日裔美国人转移到拘留营

President Roosevelt signs Executive Order #9066 to remove Japanese Americans to internment camps.

关 键 词Key Terms

01Great Depression大萧条


02New Deal新政


03Harlem Renaissance哈莱姆文艺复兴

1920 年代的非裔美国人艺术运动,根据非裔美国人在美国的生活经历进行艺术创作

08第八阶段 1945-1980Period 8

概 述Overview 从第二次世界大战结束到 1980 年代的阶段,占课程内容的15%。

关 键 概 念 8.1Key Concept

美国对战后世界的不稳定状况作出反应,努力保持全球领导地位,在国内和国际都产生了深远影响。The United States responded to an uncertain and unstable postwar world by asserting and working to maintain a position of global leadership, with far-reaching domestic and international consequences.

关 键 概 念 8.2Key Concept

新的民权运动、和自由派扩大政府作用的行动,带来了一系列政治和文化上的反应。New movements for civil rights and liberal efforts to expand the role of government generated a range of political and cultural responses.

关 键 概 念 8.3Key Concept

战后经济和人口的变化深刻影响了美国社会、政治和文化的发展。Postwar economic and demographic changes had farreaching consequences for American society, politics, and culture.

时 间 轴Time Line

1947 杜鲁门主义的宣告,遏制共产主义的传播

The president announces the Truman Doctrine to help contain the spread of communism.

1952 美国进行首次氢弹试验 The United States conducts its first hydrogen bomb test.

1954 最高法院在布朗诉教育委员会废除公立学校的种族隔离

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education desegregates public schools.

1962 古巴导弹危机,冷战白热化

The Cold War almost turns “hot” in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

1964 林登·约翰逊总统签署了1964年的民权法案 President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

1965 马丁·路德·金领导了从阿拉巴马州塞尔玛到阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的自由游行

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. leads a freedom march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama.

1978 戴维营协议促成了埃及、以色列和美国之间的和平

The Camp David Accords brokered peace between Egypt, Israel, and the United State.

关 键 词Key Terms

01Cold War冷战


02Marshall Plan马歇尔计划


03Senator Joseph McCarthy 参议员约瑟夫·麦卡锡


04Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.马丁·路德·金


05Civil Rights Act of 19641964年民权法案


09第九阶段 1980至今Period 9

概 述Overview


还没理清AP美国历史时间线?那这篇文章可真的是你的“救星”了!关 键 概 念 9.1Key Concept

在1980年代,新崛起的保守主义运动实现了一些政治和政策目标,且在接下来的几十年中对公共话语一直有着强烈的影响。A newly ascendant conservative movement achieved several political and policy goals during the 1980s and continued to strongly influence public discourse in the following decades.

关 键 概 念 9.2Key Concept

进入21世纪,美国经历了重大的技术、经济和人口变化。Moving into the 21st century, the nation experienced significant technological, economic, and demographic changes.

关 键 概 念 9.3Key Concept

冷战的结束和其他国家对美国领导地位的新挑战,迫使美国重新定义其外交政策和在世界上的角色。The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world.

时 间 轴Time Line

1981 IBM 发布了第一台个人电脑

IBM released the first personal computer.

1983 里根总统颁布了战略防御计划 President Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative.



The Berlin Wall was torn down, symbolizing the end of the Cold War.

1991 万维网面向公众发布

The world wide web goes public.

1991 米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫 (Mikhail Gorbachev) 辞职后,苏联解体

The Soviet Union collapses after Mikhail Gorbachev resigns.

1998 比尔克林顿总统被美国众议院弹劾

President Bill Clinton impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives.

2001 恐怖分子对纽约世贸中心、五角大楼和宾夕法尼亚州尚克斯维尔发动了一系列袭击 Terrorists execute a series of attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

1768 美国发起“持久自由行动”,开始铲除在阿富汗境内设置的基地组织 The United States launches “Operation Enduring Freedom” to root out al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

1768 美国入侵伊拉克

The United States invades Iraq.

2011 最后一批美军撤离伊拉克

The last U.S. troops leave Iraq.

关 键 词Key Terms

01Ronald Reagan罗纳德·里根 里根政府削减了政府支出,延长了减税政策,并削减了许多福利和社会支出项目

02Terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001(“911”) 美国遭遇历史上伤害最大的恐怖袭击









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