之前的推送我们讲了A2大题的题型:新考纲下A2经济Essay题型整理 (微观)新考纲下A2经济Essay题型整理 (宏观)今天我们来讲一下答题结构。
Intro (AO1)Intro部分写题目中key terms的定义和基础知识。我们按章节来过一下每个知识点对应的
AO1.1. Consumer theory- Evaluate whethermarginal utility theorycan fully explain the link between the changing price of a good and quantity demanded of that good.
AO1: MU, TU, diminishing MU, consumer equilibrium (Utility approach)- Evaluate the use ofindifference curve analysisto derive the demand curve for a normal good and the demand curve for an inferior good.
AO1: IC, BL, consumer equilibrium (IC approach)
2. Market structure- The model ofperfect competitionis the ideal form of market structure because it is the mostefficient. With the help of diagrams, evaluate this statement.
AO1: PC (features), Efficiency (PE, AE, DE)
*如果题目里出现了efficient/resources allocation这些词,那Efficiency是一定要定义的。
3. Market failure- With the help of a diagram, assess the view that government intervention can be used successfully to correctmarket failurecaused bypositive externalities.
AO1: AE, positive externalities, market failure (DWL)*如果题目只考了externality对应的market failure, 那只需要定义AE. 但是必须解释清楚为什么externality会导致DWL.
4. Labour market- The introduction of atrade unioninto a perfectly competitivelabour marketwill always lead to higher wage levels and a higher level of unemployment. With the help of a diagram, evaluate this statement.
AO1: MRP, labour supply, TU*所有labour market的题,都必须先写MRP和labour supply,再解释wage rate determination
5. Policies- With the help of a diagram, assess the effectiveness ofgovernment policieswhich might be used to reducecost-push inflation.
AO1: any two policy instruments, cost-push inflation (meaning, causes and consequences)
* 题目只出现了一个policy aim, 除了这个aim本身的定义之外, 对应的causes和consequences也是需要写的。这两部分在考试的时候非常容易遗漏, 大家要重视。
- An increase in a government’sbudget surpluswill increaseunemploymentin the short run but it will make it easier to control abalance of payments deficit on the current accountin the long run. Evaluate this statement.
AO1: budget surplus, unemployment (3 types), CAD*这里题目考了2个aims,因此只需要解释terms即可,不用写causes和consequences还有一个需要强调的就是Policy的题很多key terms是大家在AS学的,定义部分要去看AS的教科书。
6. Standard of livingAssess the impact ofinternational aidon thestandard of livinginlow-income countries.
AO1: SoL, features of LIC, aid
7. Globalisation- To what extent do you agree with the view thatglobalisationbenefitshigh-income countriesat the expense oflow-income countries?
AO1: globalisation, features of HIC, LIC
Body (AO2+AO3)Body部分,简单来说就是回答题目问题 (Content) + Evaluation- Expenditure-reducing policies will reduce a balance of payments deficit but will also cause significant unemployment. Evaluate this statement.
R1: Expenditure-reducing policies (ERP) will reduce a balance of payments deficit
EV1: ERP willnotreduce a balance of payments deficit
R2: ERP causes significant unemployment
EV2: ERPdoes not causesignificant unemployment
- Central banks can control the money supply. An increase in the money supply will cause inflation, therefore central banks can control inflation. Evaluate this statement.
R1: Central banks can control the money supply
EV1: Central banks can't control the money supply
R2: An increase in the money supply will cause inflation
EV2: An increase in the money supply will not cause inflation
R3: Central banks can control inflation
EV3: Central banks can't control inflation
在不知道mark scheme长啥样的情况下,建议大家都写上去。对于比较的题目,正确的结构是先回答各自的内容,再进行比较。
- Evaluate the view that monopolistically competitive firms will always charge lower prices and operate more efficiently than a monopoly firm.
R1: price and efficiency under monopolistic competition
R2: price and efficiency under monopoly firm
R3: mc charges lower price and operate more efficient than monopolist
EV1: monopoly charges lower price
EV2: monopoly is more efficient和AS的mark scheme不同,A2部分从反面开始就算AO3了。
因此大家在答题的时候contents (R1R2)的解释要非常详细,EV部分篇幅可以少一些。
Summative conclusion (AO3)这部分内容的要求和AS的AO3一样,需要大家给出对题目的答案+原因。
我们把这部分内容称为final judgement.考虑到A2部分AO3一共只有6分,而在body里面已经涉及了大量的AO3的内容,因此我觉得conclusion哪怕只给出一个judgement应该也够拿满分了。
这里比较常见的写法就是it depends on... if xx, then xx; if xx, then xx.如果考官只看conclusion,知道你有理有据地回答了题目,那这个conclusion就算成功了。